
What should I do............?

by  |  earlier

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my younger sister confided in me that she's suicidal and she cuts herself...all she said was she doesn't like herself any more.....she was never really that happy growing up and she wouldn't tell me why and it seems she's gotten worse since I moved out...what should I do to help her??




  1. my suggestion is you better get her help right now!!dont wait.. she could be doing something aweful right now while you are on here... how could you even ask such a question honey? you dont want her to die do you? get her help now, before it is too late!!!!!

  2. It sounds to me like she may want your attention. If you noticed that these behaviors started when you moved out, she could just be using self injury as a way to  get you back. you would be able to tell from the way she told you. if she was very direct and almost blaming, she misses you being around. but if she was hesitant and you had to pry the information out of her, it is probably more serious. If that is the case, the best thing for her is to tell your parents and get her professional help from a psychiatrist.

    i am a self injurer, so i know how she feels. I have had self esteem problems my whole life and was suicidal for a while, but I'm not anymore. My reason is to relieve stress and cope with anger. I have no problem sharing my story and insight on what it is like to live with it, so if you want to chat, please email me and I will be glad to answer any of your questions. From personal experience, I know that the best thing for family members is to first know what they are dealing with. I hope this helps you. And good luck!!

  3. 1st off. wow ur a really nice bro . i wish my sis was like that. second i belive u should still help her out. find out y shes that depressed. intrude in her life. ask her friends . be nosy be curious . be a hero and a mentor!!! lol. do w\e it takes to help her out . if u care about her that much. andf im sure u do u would do that for the sake of your sister.

  4. tell your parents and get her help

  5. Take her out for some pizza, or whatever she enjoys.  That will give her a little boost for now.  But the suicidal stuff she described probably require professional help.  So try to convince her to seek it, at least she will be better off if it's her decision to go.  If not you (rather your parents) may have to force her to go for her own good.

  6. Make an appt. with a psychiatrist for her and go with her to the appt. Inform the parents  

  7. You need to be her friend. Invite her for a FUN sleepover.  Listen to what she is not saying.  Why do you think she was "never really that happy"? She may feel like she's all alone now with you away. Think back and see if any thing changed when you noticed a change in her behavior.

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