
What should I do re: going out with someone I barely know?

by Guest34010  |  earlier

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Hi everyone,

Because I'm limited for space I'll try to be as brief as possible.

I left my old job a few months ago but hardly spoke to anyone there or made any friends. There was one guy (he's in his 50's) who was really nice to me and spoke to me when no one else would however I never really had a lot to say to him so we didn't really click. He told me to keep in contact to let him know how I have getting on.

I sent him an e-mail letting him know that my new job was good and he asked to meet up to catch up. I'm female and in my 20's.

Am I overreacting to this? I just don't know what to say as we never really spoke much at work and would have preferred to have just kept in touch by e-mail.

What do you think?




  1. I would say dont go. It sounds kinda creepy. Just make a few excuses as to why you cant go.  

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