
What should I do so that I can play volleyball?

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I really want to join the volleyball team in our school. Unfortunately, I was operated near my leg joint because of cyst(but its not cancerous). Another is that I should not force my left foot because it might get worse. But I really want to play volleyball. What should I do?




  1. I recommend talking to your doctor about playing volleyball. He may have to refer you to a sports rehabilitation facility to get you into a traing program to prepare your body for the game. Volleyball requires a lot of explosive movements. Jumping and lateral movement are a big part of the game. Make sure you are physically ready first.

  2. get into shape..

  3. Well, first talk to your doctor about it. Get in shape, rehabilitate. Just be careful and wear proper equipment. Be careful when you do lots of jumps. My friend was our captain, but was dissapointed when she had surgery on her knee. She could play with in a few months. So if you try, chances are you can play!

  4. practice


  5. well to start off you should practice your serving and moving around for the ball.

    and you could try using the hand you write with to serve.

    and when your in the front{if you in a game}i suggest being up to the net.always help other teammates like if they try to hit

    the ball over the net but they couldn't you should try to back them up and you should try to hit the ball over the net for them.

    that's all i can suggest because i dont know how much you have learned.


  6. play at a low level team and get a brace on what you can

  7. well you could try and find like a wheel chair league?

  8. U should excercise it a lot. Just run and do like front roll overs because they do that a lot so u wont get hurt. Just do alot of uphill runs to get it stronger and be really careful but they more u sterngthen ur leg it will help u. Also practice ur jump spikes and serves

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