
What should I do to be sure Im safe?

by Guest64646  |  earlier

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I responded to a craigslist posting for a housekeeper for a guy thats so busy with work he doesnt have time to clean or run erronds. I really would like a job like this but Im so worried about psychos postings things just to get women to come to their house. If I do get the job what can I do to ensure its safe without seeming ridiculous and losing a job with a pontentially honest person by acting like I think hes going to murder me. thanks




  1. be aware of your surroundings

  2. I understand your concerns and you are perfectly right to have them.  You have to be responsible and not put yourself in potentially dangerous situations.  It would be a perfect ploy for a guy to get a women right where he wants her.

    Unfortunately it's a tough situation to protect yourself in because it is not normal to bring someone else with you when you apply for work or do the work.

    I think maybe you could take a man (boyfriend, husband, father, friend) along with you when you go to the guys house for the first time...leave this person in the car, but on the property so they are there is any trouble arrises.  This gives you a safety net to go in the house and feel the situation out.  If you feel comfortable enough to even bring up the subject with the guy you can explain to him that in this day and age you have to be cautious and protect yourself...that you aren't saying he is a creep or anything,but it would be irresponsible of you to not be cautious and tell him that you need to check out where he works...etc and make sure he is a safe person to work for in the privacy of his home.  Good Luck...I hope it works out for you.

  3. Bring a friend with you for the first few times until you feel your safe enough to go alone. Also if you have to interview make sure somebody comes with you and that they either wait outside or in the car. DON'T GO ALONE!!!!

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