
What should I do to become a dental surgeon?

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With great reluctance... I decided Not to become a Medical Physician. I have several personal reasons including the lack of a family lack and a vast emptiness for the amount of personal time I could have for myself. A lucrative job as a medical doctor and the immense possibilities could not force me to give up my real life as an individual. So now ... I am currently volunteering under patient care in a hospital since I thought i was going to become an MD. I am entering into 12th grade this fall and I know that I could do many things to assure my acceptance into a top dental school. What should I do? Like internships, shadowing any special programs? Please give me sound advise to use so that I can have a descent future for my future family and myself.




  1. you first need to get into a good school. you need to go to college to be any sort of doctor at all. get good grades and major in something like biology or premed or whatever interests you that will help you prusue that kind of career. once you are done with your GEs you can start looking towards what you can do to get into the programs you need. look at local colleges or colleges you are interested in and visit a counselor or advisor for help.

  2. Internships are great. Usually don't pay.

    Before you get into Dental school you have to have a degree in Pre-Dentistry. Then go on to Dental School. To get into the Dental School I'm going to go to you have to have a science GPA no lower then a 3.5 and everything else has to be above a 3.2.

    So, 4 (or 5) years to get a degree in Pre-Dentistry. Then 4-6 years in Dentistry School

    Good luck! Don't give up!

  3. I'm actually a dental asst. formally engaged to a dentist.  He applied to Buffalo State, and did his residency at Stony brook University.  Contact S.B. University in L.I. N.Y. and they may be able to assit you.  Good Luck!  Dee

  4. talk to your dentist(and/or) orthodontist

  5. Go to dental school.

  6. You don't go straight to Dental school from high school.  You have to obtain a lot of prerequisite credits in the sciences first, then just like going into medical school you have to pass a dental school admissions test called the DAT for dentistry, called the MSAT for medicine.  Then you to apply to and be accepted to a Dental school.  Point being, your what 17, you won't be going to dental school for another 4-5 years.  Trust me, you will go through lots and lots of maturing between now and then and probably change your mind many times.

    To prepare yourself for a successful future - your starting kind of late, but you need to take as many advance placement level courses in high school that you can.  A "B" in an AP class carries more weight on college admissions exams than an "A+" in a non-AP level course.

    Get into the best possible college you can.  When you at this college concentrate on studying the subjects you will need to pass the DAT and obtain the prerequisites for Dental school.  High school is where you prep for undergraduate school, high school will have little impact with regards to dental school.

    By the way, most oral surgeons are both an MD and DDS.  They administer anesthesia.  Mine is both.  Don't think for a second that being an oral surgeon won't be demanding of your time.

    add-on - there is no such thing as a degree in pre-dentistry, whoever is telling that to the person above is wrong.  Nor is there a degree in pre-med.  Some colleges offer programs in pre-dentistry which are just a group of the prerequisite courses required for Dental school, your degree will be in another subject such as biology or chemistry which carry similar requirements.  Your better off getting your undergrad degree in business - you will need that knowledge in your dental practice.  I've had this very discussion with the medical school adviser at the University of Connecticut (UConn).

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