
What should I do to become a dentist?

by Guest21463  |  earlier

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With great reluctance... I decided Not to become a Medical Physician. I have several personal reasons including the lack of a family lack and a vast emptiness for the amount of personal time I could have for myself. A lucrative job as a medical doctor and the immense possibilities could not force me to give up my real life as an individual. So now ... I am currently volunteering under patient care in a hospital since I thought i was going to become an MD. I am entering into 12th grade this fall and I know that I could do many things to assure my acceptance into a top dental school. What should I do? Like internships, shadowing any special programs? Please give me sound advise to use so that I can have a descent future for my future family and myself.




  1. Get a CT scan and check for living brain cells!  Being a dentist means working everyday in one of the most negative environments known to man.  People complain about everything from the needle and the drill to the light and the smell of a dental office.  If you want to listen to people whining EVERYDAY of your professional life....then become a dentist.

    Otherwise, run like heck as fast as you can in another direction.

    Spend a lot of time in a few dental offices.  Just ask the dentist if you can observe things as you might be considering it is a future career.  Keep in mind everyone will be on their best behaviour since you are there watching.  But spend a lot of time observing what it is you want to do as a career.

    And if you do become a dentist, consider becoming an Orthodontist, as they are the only happy dentists.  They don't give needles or drill teeth, and people pay them way too much money to straiten their kids teeth.  They are laughing all the way to the bank.  No other dentist laughs.

  2. I presume your in the US so i may not be much use as i didn't train there.  But before i went for my interviews i gathered as much work experience as possible in as many fields as possible.  Try to find something that will make you unique in the interview, try find a placement where you can observe a different side of dentistry.  For instance near where i trained i attended a dental hospital that had a clinic specifically for disabled patients.  Also try to do some basic reading on all related subjects of anatomy.  And try some crafts that will allow you to show you have good manual dexterity.  Learn a musical instrument, or build models, make jewelry, anything that involves patience, perseverance and and attention to detail.  This way when you have an interview for dental school you have ways in which you can show off your talents, and ways to make you stand out compared to others.  Sorry to waffle, but basically:

    Get as much work shadowing done as possible in as many different places.

    Read around the subject so as well as learning specific dental subjects learn about circulation and breathing etc.

    Find some related talents and build up a mini portfolio you can take to your interview with you of things to express your talents!

    Hope that helps

  3. Yeah, do us all a favor and stay out of the healthcare field. Anyone who would come to Yahoo for career counseling should probably check hats and coats in a restaurant or hotel.

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