
What should I do to become more fit for this rugby season?

by Guest62473  |  earlier

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I am just completing my Varsity swim season....and I want to start playing Rugby (*yes, Iam a newbie) but I need some pointers. The first practice is at February 16th...




  1. Get a backpack with some weight in the back and increase it gradually.worked for me.also some pushups,situps and sprints will do.Hope this helps

  2. if you have been swimming for long distances than ideally you have some of the endurance you need

    all out sprints will be good for the burst of speed you may need

    chances are you have some upper body strength but not the strength and power that you will need from your lower half

    do anything you can to build thighs and calves

    the gentleman was correct when he said tailor it to your position on the pitch

    great sport  none better

    be prepared to hurt in ways you never thought you would

    good luck

  3. Remember Rugby isn't just one thing, it's running usually followed by some serious power.

    Go out Running and every 5 minutes or so stop and do 10 push ups.

    Also shuttles but after each one 5 push ups.

    Obviously just general cardio and strength work after that.

    Try and make your training not only specific to Rugby but specific to your position. If you are a front row forward focus on sheer brute strength, if you are flanker focus on immense stamina, strength, tackling and rucking. If you are a winger then focus on blistering pace and agility.

  4. have AT LEAST one rugby session a week (2hours)

    eat healthy

    either run for 30 mins, bike for 60 mins or row for 20 mins (once a week) lower levels if cant be managed

    thta will increaseyour stamina, and fitness, from there you can do whatever suits your needs

  5. since your on you were on the swim team...your arms should be pretty strong i suggest you go out with your friends and learn the basics so you wont feel totally lost when they use the terms and on stamina do at least a mile evry two days more will be better. hit the gym start with little weights at high reps the move towards heavy weights with lower mostly on legs then arms..cause legs are very run and lift if you cant lift i suggest ery hourif possible do 20 push ups if not just do maybe 120-180 push ups whenever you have the time..speed and cordination are key get the pickup gamnes in to work on that...

    and that mostly it

    good luck on your escapade

  6. Well, I think you should do some push ups every morning and night. And eat healthy. And you will be fine. Maybe practice a little of rugby.

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