
What should I do to celebrate turning 33 in August 2008?

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For my 30th, I did 30 different things between June & August. Instead of traditional invitations, I sent out brochures with a calendar of activities. They were mostly inexpensive events: going to a park, meeting for ice cream or going to a baseball game ($2 tickets) followed by fireworks.

For my 31st, I went to Baskin-Robins (i.e. 31 flavors).

For my 32nd, I had a Sweet 16 times 2 slumber party; alcohol encouraged.

I will be completing my Master's in August so time and money are definitely a factor. I'm not above postponing the party, but I don't want to do that. Next year I will have a graduation trip to Hawaii (cruise), but I want to do something on my birthday or during that weekend. HELP!!!




  1. i'd start by wearing a Larry Bird shirt (number 33- boston baby!)  other than that, if you're in the boston area, there is a club called 33.  i dunno... maybe there's a bar/club/restaurant near your area called 33... check it out

  2. rest

  3. This much description surely indicates you are full with vigor and always wish to see the greenery all the time. This shows definite style of living in harmony. So, to keep this nerve even after crossing 33, I wish you to celebrate the birthday party by serving the guests with different flavours of ice-cream. The chemistry of ice-cream is very suggestive as the essence promotes to have the incoming sunrise in merryment.

    Enjoy......! And best luck to uncoming exams.

  4. I am a Leo(August) and I love to celebrate my birthday, too. Make a bucket list and start working on the things you have not done and always wanted to do before you kick the bucket.

  5. go and celebrate do.what ever you wanted to do for the longest

  6. do u really has 2 do things as much as ur age is turning?

    y don't u try 2 do 3 times of party, each with 11 other person or 11 candles or 11 cakes...3x11=33...

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