Okay, well, I came from a semi-strict family, and I hardly ever got my way- which then I thought was unfair- but now I see that it was a good thing.
During the weekends and during summer I go to my grandparents house and they have a grandchild who is a spoiled brat. When he was little he wasn't so bad, and I took him places and he wasn't bad at all. Well now he is six, I am fourteen, and he is awful. He doesn't listen to anyone, throws fits when he wants something, and eats ALL the time. I have to babysitt him quite alot, and I try to keep him out of the fridge but he screams, punches and kicks and I don't know what to do? He also beats up my brothers(They are under 5) and makes them play with him. I don't let him do that though, when I am watching them anyways. When his parents or grandparents are they don't do anything at all.
I've told his parents and my grandparents, they say they'll fix it but never even try. Do you guys have any suggestions??