
What should I do to improve my jumping?

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I am about 5'6 and can get half of my hand over the net while I'm blocking. I have no trouble spinking down (yes, I do the whole wrist-snap deal) but I want to block affectively too!I know I can improve my jumping but I don't know what are the excercises that can help. Any suggestions?




  1. Do wall sits. That's when you pretend you're sitting on a chair, but your back is against the wall. Keep your hands palms-down against the wall. It will take a while, but don't give up. Do them for at least 1 min. @ a time.You can also do wall jumps. Go face a wall & jump as high as you can. Touch the wall when you're in the air. I hope I helped. Good Luck!!!!!!


  3. The very best thing that you can do is plyometrics.  Plyometrics is training that olympians have used for decades.  What plyometrics does is teaches the muscle fibers to trigger faster, causing greater explosion.  When I was 15, I was able to dunk a 10 foot goal and I was only 5' 8".  The difference maker was that I had a great track coach who was very knowledgeable in plyometrics!  I had a routine of jump ropes, box jumps, broad jumps, and I also used jump shoes/strength shoes.  Get on the web, or go to your public library and search plyometrics.  You will find plenty of info on it.  It will radically increases your ups!  -Rob

  4. Back in the old days, we would put ankle weights on and practice (basketball in this case) wearing them.  We found out that they did damage to your knees.  You can get weights now that go in pockets, etc.  Also, tons of leg presses and squats.  You also have to actually jump...a lot.

    Do these things, and your game will be above the rim before you know it.

  5. I am also the same height as you and i had the same problem, and my coach stuck a volleyball in a basketball net and tied the bottom so it wouldnt fall out, and i had to jump up and touch the bottom of the volleyball.....(it sounds hard but its not that bad after a while)

  6. You should try doing squats and lunges.  When doing your squats as you come up raise up on your calves.  Do squats at a mild weight because you don't want to gain to much muslce mass.

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