
What should I do to lower my money spending habits when i go out and eat?

by Guest59558  |  earlier

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Hey, I'm 19 and I usually go to quiznos to eat on my break at work and i notice that I am roughly spending $10 each time I go there. I usually go there four times a week and thats $40 right there. I usually grab the nine-inch meals that are $8.99. What are some suggestions i can do. There is a tim hortons and subway where i work, but i need a quick place to grab something to eat.




  1. Well, some of the fast food burger restaurants have items on the dollar menu.

  2. Don't buy the whole meal. Buy individual items and drink water that is free.

  3. Start bringing your own lunches. And if you HAVE to eat out, always order water instead of a soft drink... That should save you at least 2 bucks.

  4. you should make your own sandwiches at home i bet youll save alot of money that way

  5. I usually bring my lunch to work.  I also bring my own coffee and drink water flavored with the individual flavor additives (Crystal Light).  Every payday I treat myself to an outing.  

    Do you still live at home?  Take leftovers with you.  I love leftover pot roast.  The smell as it reheats makes my lunch-bunch drool.  

    Don't buy snacks from vending machines either.  The markup on these are usually between 70-200%.  Buy them at your local supermarket instead and put some in a ziploc bag.  

    If you must drink sodas, buy a case at the store and carry one in a lunchbox with an icepack to keep it cold.

  6. pack your own lunch and save a bundle.  Subway is usually less expensive than Quiznos if you must eat out, but you need to get the smaller portion - 6 in subs.

  7. to lower your food spending habits, do the following:

    1) eat less

    2) eat somewhere cheaper

    3) bring your own lunch in from home

  8. When you eat out (especially fast food), try buying the kid's meals.  They usually have enough food to fill you, just not enough to stuff you.  And they're cheap!

  9. Here's what I do on Sunday night:

    poach 4 eggs

    toast 4 english muffins

    Put them together like a sandwich, add a piece of cheese, and wrap in foil. Refrigerate. This way I have 4 "egg McMuffins" for the week. Plus it's better for you than eating out. You can add a piece of sausage or canadian bacon if you want.

  10. In the time it probably takes you to run to Quizmo's, order, receive, pay and get back to work, you could probably make a pretty good sandwich, drink, etc. at home, put it in a small cooler and eat it outside on nice days; in break room, etc., during crappier weather, etc. for a couple bucks.

    So if you're serious about saving money on eating out . . . especially since I don't even consider Quizmo's as eating out . . . that's the route to go.

  11. make your own sandwiches at home before work and take some drinks and snacks with you in one of those small insulated coolers

  12. Try a diet.

  13. eat asian its cheaper

  14. Is there anyway you can start to bring your own sandwich and chips to work, and maybe grab a drink at one of these places?

  15. When you make dinner at night (or lunch, if you work at dinner time), make twice what you need.  Refrigerate the leftovers and take them with you to work and reheat for your meal.  This will save you an AMAZING amount of money each month.  You will be astounded!

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