
What should I do to my room???[pics incl.]?

by  |  earlier

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Its big and boring. I am scared of letting my friends in because its so plain.

Am a fun person and very hyper.

And I could probably go to the shops and by stuff for my room. and make it more like me (girly (kinda) fun, hyper)

here are some pics of it: (ignore the mess)

Heres another:




  1. I will try to help you out with this for start you could do a better job of keeping your room boring or not , you need to paint the room and get rid of the border , it look like you are sharing the room , perhaps you could get the beds positioned on the same wall and put a night table with a nice lamp  on it , I will find you some ideas , so keep looking at my answers I will up date from time to time .

    Here is one






  2. Clean it, paint the walls, buy matching furniture, change the carpet or wood

  3. The floor is awesome....bring more attention to that by having less rugs.  Paint the room lighter, two walls maybe.  Get bed linen that either match, or compliment one another.  Add some of your style and personality to it.

  4. I think that a good start off would be to paint your walls a bright color that reflects your personality. That within itself would make you feel better, in my opinion, and might inspire new thoughts about redecorating your room.

    Also, maybe hanging some posters, photos, or artwork on your walls might create a different ambiance.

    And new furniture or bedspreads might be something fun to shop for and decorate your room with. Your should go to IKEA and Target, and even Ross or other store, and you could see something by chance and really dig it.

    These are just some things that I thought of and I hope they helped in your quest!

    These are just some things that  

  5. wow, you have a nice sized room!

    -beds- i reccommend getting new bed frames. i'd maybe get one a little smaller. i'd place them on the wall you have the larger bed on now, facing out, with a little end table in the middle. )that is if you need 2 beds. if not, a vanity or daybed/futon could also be placed in the extra space)

    on the opposite wall, i'd place a desk, and a chair. maybe a corner bookshelf to hold stuff.

    for accessories, i'd add a rug, some curtains, and some new bedding  in fun bright colors that are more you. you could consider painting your walls a color coresponding to the new bedding, putting in some pillows, and hanging some cd covers, pictures of friends, etc. on the walls.

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