
What should I do to prepare for future world travel?

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My dream in life more than anything is to see as much of the world as possible. I've already traveled more than most people do at my age (17). Anyone have any general tips on how to prepare for a future of world traveling?




  1. lol u wanna marry me (just kidding) my dream is exactly that one.......

    i'm only 16 but i'm trying to save money to go somewhere in asia or europe.......

    the only thing u can do is get a job that pays much...

    my dream is to go to a different country each year for like 15 days....

    i've been to lebanon which is where i'm from

  2. Other than a love for travel and a valid passport, there isn't much to do except research where you want to go and save up your travel funds. Make sure you document your travels. Make photo albums, journal, display souvenirs- it's great to be able to relive your journeys when you are not "on the road."

  3. Consider your travel aspirations when making your career plans.  Whether it's a career in the Military or State Departmetn, working for an Airline, Cruise Line, as a Travel Agent, what have you, there are many careers that allow or even require you to travel.

    As a Travel Agency Owner, I have had the opportunity to travel all over the world, at a substantial savings - And when I tell people I am taking a month off to go to Argentina, they think I am working and not just slacking....vbg

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