
What should I do to stop myself from being suicidal?

by  |  earlier

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PLEASE READ: I hate myself. I hate my hair. I hate my eyes. I hate my body. To me, I look fat. My life sucks. My school sucks. I suck. People give me weird looks as if I'm an alien from a diff rent planet.I'm always jealous of people. I'm nothing, but a worthless, piece of c**p. What should I do now, huh?!




  1. sweetheart, find something you love like a hobby and dedicate yourself to succeeding academically and everything will fall into place, trust me. but first, you have to be who you want to be, as good as you want to be, never mind other people, ok? when you're happy inside, better people will come your way.  

  2. Trust me, everyone has those thoughts. The easiest way to get through it is to gain confidence in yourself. How I did it, I don't know. I guess my relationship with God helped me.

  3. Get a piece of paper, and write TEN(minium) that you like about yourslef.  Think "I am not perfect. I am human.", over and over again in your head. Ignore those people who give you werid looks, or say "Stop. I am nothing different than you."

    Think about all the people you would leave behind if you commited suicide. All the things you would leave behind, how much pain you would cause your family. Never commit sucicde, its never the anwser.

    Also, go to a pyshcartristc. They can help you. You may fell stupid, but they can and will help you with your problems.

    I know what youre going through, for i went through the same thing. It hurts, and takes a big dip on confidence. BUt you have to know all that you think you are seeing about yourslef isnt true, your mind just wants you to think that. Whenever you think something bad about yourslef, say or think"stop!!! I am human, i am not perfect. I do and try my best. people love me for who i am , and i should never change myslef, for i am perfedt the way i am." Also, think something good about yourslef for every bad thought.

    I hope you getr out of this as soon as you can. I have faith in you.  

  4. you can speak  ? you can talk ? you can see ? you can walk and do so many other things ..... There are people who cant even do that and still live ...

    uhh IMO get a gym membership and start working out maybe ?? Forget about everyone else ignore the bad looks and stuff .... Concentrate on your school and workout that all!!

  5. i know i dont know you and everything , i wouldnt claim to,  but i love you and although i do not have the answerto your problems , i love you so much and hope with all my heart you get through this.

    im sorry if this hasnt helped

  6. Guess things aren't looking too rosy with you at the moment.........

    Without wanting to sound like the 'oldie rent' alot of this is to do with your me, please stick with it, it will get better..Are you able to speak about this to your parents, teacher (yeah right like a teacher is gonna be interested!lol) or a friend?

    Although you are probably feeling very isolated and that no-body understands how you feel.....this really is not the case. You need to make friends with your colleagues, not automaticaly expecting them to be friendly...give it time, if it was meant to be then go with the flow.....

    Good luck x  

  7. Either call a suicide hot-line, or talk to a counselor or therapist.

    Try to remember that our physical appearance is the least important part of who we ARE.

    Take aspects of your life that suck, that you CAN, change, and DO change them.

  8. You're not suicidal. You're just not happy with your life in general, and the surrounding factors including yourself. You CAN'T have a better life in general until you start appreciating yourself. As far as people looking at you, who cares what they think.

    Firstly, when people look at you, how would you know that? It's simple - you're looking at them. How do you know they aren't thinking the same thing about THEMSELVES?

    As far as how you look, everyone including celebrities are never happy with how they look.

    Confidence seems to be a major issue here.

  9. Seek mental health help right away. And get the help you need so that you can learn to love yourself. You have many good gualities that you  just can't see due to your thinking.  A therapist can help.

                                                             Many Blessings

  10. first ir god made you you are perfect

    second you got to be positive  and tell your selfe you are beautiful.

    does people dat look at you bad are jealous of you .  

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