
What should I do when I'm trying to call a radio station to win a prize

by  |  earlier

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The 9th caller after they tell you to call in wins the prize and they do this every hour today. I've tried 2 times already by calling as soon as I hear the announcement but both times I've gone straight to a busy signal.

The question is, If i get the busy signal, should I wait to see if they will eventually connect me? Or should I try hanging up and calling back right away?

Also, should I call right as they announce the contest, or try to call in before they announce it if i think they're going to start it really soon?




  1. If you are listening to the radio on the internet there is usually a few seconds delay so it might be hard to get right in.

    But if you keep redialing you might be able to get through.You should start calling right after the announcement. It helps to have it on speed dial. Keep trying!!!

    Good luck!!

    Have a good day!!

  2. Pray

  3. just wait and if there not answering then hang up, then call back 5 minutes. after  

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