
What should I do when I am driving at high speed and one of my tyres burst?

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What immediate life saving measures should I take?




  1. just ease of the gas and slowly come to a stop ,do not jam on the brakes as this will cause you to lose control of the vehicle

  2. hold on tight and try to bring the speed down slowly

  3. close your eyes and hope for the best.

  4. I've only been in one blowout at high speed. It was the left rear tire at about 75 mph. It wasn't bad at all though. All you have to do is keep calm and slowly decelerate. It's a bad idea to slam on your brakes and jerk your wheel so don't do either!

  5. first put your hazzard lights on so cars behind know there is something wrong, second take a good tight grip of steering wheel, third take foot of accelerator and slowly bring car speed down, preferable selecting lower gears, (engine breaking), pending what country your in allways keep to the slower lane, when you are at slow speeds take the car out of gear so you are in neutral, slwly put the breaks on and when you come to a final stop put the handbrake on,remember to keep hazzard lights on at all time but NEVER Panic.

  6. if it is front tyre then this is your bad luck what immediatly you do is that hold the string firmly and try to bring the speed slowly down if you are driving the vehcle which is manual transmision then try to bring the vehicle in third gear and then leave it in that and if you cannot control it at all then drag the side of the vehicle with the road guard rail if they are present .

  7. Remove your foot from the accelerator, do not brake, focus on keeping the steering control as straight as you can, because your vehicle will pull you in the direction of the burst tyre. Allow the vehicle to slow down gradually, and eventually pull off the roadway and then brake gently once your vehicle is well off the edge of the roadway.

  8. scream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! then pull over and change it

  9. Pull over and change it

  10. At the first sign of tire trouble, grip the steering wheel firmly.

    Don't slam on the brakes.

    Let the car slow down gradually by taking your foot off the gas pedal.

    Work your vehicle toward the breakdown lane or, if possible, toward an exit.

    If it is necessary to change lanes, signal your intentions to drivers behind and do so smoothly and carefully, watching your mirrors and the traffic around you very closely.

    Steer as your vehicle slows down. It is better to roll the car off the roadway (when you have slowed to 30 miles per hour) and into a safe place than it is to stop in traffic and risk a rear-end or side collision from other vehicles.

    When all four wheels are off the pavement—brake lightly and cautiously until you stop.

    Turn your emergency flashers on.

    It's important to have the car well off the pavement and away from traffic before stopping, even if proceeding to a place of safety means rolling along slowly with the bad tire flapping.

    You can drive on a flat if you take it easy and avoid sudden moves. Don't worry about damaging the tire. It is probably ruined anyway.........................

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