
What should I do when counselling a depressed patient?

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What should I do when counselling a depressed patient?




  1. Professional counseling follows an order.

    First of all, listen to her/him thoughts. Listen  and notice the words from which are composed  these thoughts. Pay attention what words are repeated the most. Write down it, as being the root of her/him problem. Remember the basic principle: each patient is "another case" .

    Secondly, just observe and don't judge yet. On your notebook , start now to list your thoughts and emotions awaken by the this patient that is in your face.

    Third, make a rapid " paper work "  Your goal may be to give her/him a reason to come to you next time and in the meanwhile you have to think in what part of the problem you can help, and how. Preferable to take something easy to resolve . It gives to your patient motivation to come again and you gain credibility in her/his eyes.

    Start by doing what is necessary for you and it's  a professional experience  and what is useful for your patients.

    You can learn later other  commercial tricks in this very competitive market,but now I would tell you try start fresh and learning  from every patient something now.

    Good luck to you.

  2. Give them a listening EARS & times is very important. Think twice before u answer, prepared lots of tissue, finally a hugs always work.. Good luck.        

  3. If your asking that question you need to find a different line of work. LIKE NOW!!

  4. I know little of counselling techniques, but quite a bit about depression treatments. Firstly, I would ask them a standard list of around 20 questions: see: DEPRESSION SYMPTOMS & TEST: PAGE J, in section 2, at or via section 1 (examine them systematically, but not too much at a time, and take notes as you go).

    Then I would inquire as to when such feelings first became apparent, and whether it had been experienced before, and to what degree. The average length of a bout of depression is 6 months, and it recurs in around half of cases. I would ask them to rate their current feelings on a scale of 1 - 10, and ask them to proceed as per page R, in section 2, at ezy build, insofar as mood charts and daily activities are concerned.

    It is important to try to establish the cause of the depression; whether exogenous (situational), or endogenous (nutritional deficiencies, hypothyroidism, environmental toxicity, or reactions to some medications, etc., becomes more likely as the cause).

    I would also ask about alcohol, drug, and medication use, and if suicidal feelings are present (see section 5) whether previous attempts, or realistic plans have been made, as this would influence my immediate course of action, and determine whether or not I was sufficiently competent to proceed, or should refer the matter to someone with more expertise in this area.

    Feel free to contact me, through my profile, should you have any specific questions, and I'll provide you with a different email address, elsewhere, in case this one gets suspended, as seems to happen occasionally, because some of my answers apparently aren't politically correct. I can supply the name of a counsellor, here, for you to email, if interested (new computer today: info on old one).

  5. YOU should not be counseling anyone!!! You could do serious harm. You have asked this same question 4 times. Whatever you are doing...STOP.

  6. Are you actually a licensed therapist or a student or just someone who wants to do counseling?  I would suggest getting a degree and being licensed in the state/county/country in which you live as a start.

    Reflecting back what the client says is always a good idea, because you give them the chance to tell you more without giving them your thoughts or ideas.  You don't actually put your beliefs into the mix.  You can do that after you have made sure the client has established his/her feelings, thoughts and ideas.

    Still, I think you need to go back to school if you have to ask this should have done this in your training.

  7. ummm...ur the councilor...with all due respect... if u don't know the anwser to that...then u need to get urself back in school


  8. why are you, a councellor asking this question.? I'm shocked.You need to either go back to school or find another job. I'm very worried about your patient.  

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