
What should I do when i get this settlement because she wanted to leave me with no money. Why stay with money?

by Guest65982  |  earlier

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I have been out of work for five months due to injuries at my job. I havent been able to do much after my workmans comp was cut off. My wife had to pick up the slack and complains about it daily. What hurts me the most is she throws everything up in my face she does for me as if she is not suppose to be there for me. A nice settlement is pending now and i dont want her to be trying to run over me. She has power she should have never had and it has went to her head.




  1. Its half hers in a divorce anyway. Its half hers now, shes been picking up the slack since you have been not working right?

  2. It sounds like you don't have a healthy marriage, and often an unhealthy marriage takes two.  You can't change her, but if you change the way you behave, you may change the way she responds back to you.

    Take a step back and really think about the things that you do that are unkind, unappreciative, critical, etc.  You have been injured, but have you been doing the things that you can do, or have you become lazy?  What are the nice things that you do for her?  Do you show her love and affection?  If you do your part to be the best husband you can be, you will likely see a change in her as well.

    Stop fighting over the money and just talk about it and make plans for how it needs to be spent or saved--as partners in a marriage should.

  3. I believe your wife should have your back and not complain to you.BUT,have you been acting grateful?Are you helping at home at all?Could you fold laundry or do dishes?My hubby broke some ribs and the whole time he was off he did dishes and laundry. I think that legally,morally and as an honorable,grateful man you owe her some of that money.

  4. I don't know how she could have any more power than what you give her. You said, "She wanted to leave me with no money"  the checks will be in your name. Go open up another account, deposit it in there and don't give her your account info. As long as you are pulling your weight financially there's nothing she can say.

  5. I'd put that money in a separate bank account. When she married you, it was for better or worse, in sickness and in health. She needs to be reminded of that. Why don't you ask her to try and picture herself in your situation? As in, how would she feel if the tables were turned? No offense, but she sounds like a real *****.

    No one should "owe" anyone any money. If she had hurt herself on the job, you would have helped her out right? Marriage is give and take; it's not always roses.

  6. If she wanted to leave you she would have left you 5 months ago. If she was staying for the money she would have left you a long time ago. She is frustrated that she has to do everything and that is to be expected. Don't let that settlement cloud your mind. Money comes and goes but love last forever.

  7. you should leave

  8. In most states it's called community property when you get a divorce.  You will have to give her half no matter what happens.  

    Don't be to hard on her she probably is just venting and loves you nonetheless.  Her life was going smoothly and than a wrench was thrown into her life.  She has still stuck by you and supported you so you do the same.  Women have hormonal problems during the month..PMS etc. so get better soon and back to work..things have a way of going back to normal.  Good Luck!

  9. you need to support her just like she supports you and you can complain while doing it as well if it makes you feel better  

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