
What should I do when my step dad and biological dad want to walk me down the aisle?

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I am getting married July of 2009 and I kind of have a dilemna. My father and my step father have each been active on and off again in my life. Growing up I had both of them there and when I got pregnant with my daughter while I was underage, me and my biological father each went seperate ways. Shortly after I gave birth me and my father got even closer and he's like my best friend. On the other hand, my stepfather has been there on and off again due to the problems in their relationship. Now I am getting married next year and I feel a deep connection with each of them, but I don't know what to do about the aisle situation.

I don't know whether I should have them each walk me because I feel that is my father's sole responsibility. Can someone please help me!!!!




  1. Have both of them, one on each arm walk you down the aisle. They both are your father and helped raise you. If one has a problem with it, then tell them to forget it and the other one will walk you down. I plan on having my mother and brother walk me down cause they've always been there for me.

  2. I would say that you should just choose the one that has been more of a dad to you. Anyone can father a child, but only certain people can earn the title of 'dad.' It's a tricky situation, and I know you don't want either of them to have hurt feelings. I think you should have both of them walk you down the aisle. Your dad should understand, and I think that would be better than choosing one over the other because that will just cause hard feelings to arise. Hope I helped some. Good luck!

  3. hi im getting married in 2010 and i have a step dad and a biological dad and im letting both of them walk me down the isle im having my biological dad on my left and my step on my right

    so they both get to do it and they are both having a father daughter dance i am very close with both dads

    hope that helped

  4. I would say have both walk you, one on each arm...

    Explain to both of them that they are both very important to you, and its your wedding, so it should be about what you want. Tell them if they loved you that they would agree to do it together, and if one of them doesn't want to, then have the other one do it, because the one who said no doesn't care enough about you to do this for you on your wedding day

  5. Have them both walk you. It has been done before.  If they both mean alot to you go for it.

  6. Boy, that has got to be very hard on you. If I were close to both of them and they both have supported me growing up, I would choose both. But first, you really need to sit with your biological father and explain that you love the both of them tremendously and want the both of them to have an arm to escort you down that isle. Ask him how he would feel about that. I'm sure step dad wouldn't object, only because your father has the right and it would be only an honor for step dad to walk with you to.  How touching that would be to have them both walk you down. It would only seem that you greatly care for the both of them.  

  7. Both on each arm. Although, deeply and truly, I'd have my biological father walk me down.

    Just Keepin it reall! :D

  8. let each one of them walk you down halfway, first step dad then father all the way  

  9. Because you get on well with your biological Dad I think it should be him , if he is happy with that . But you can have them both walk you down that would be very nice if they both agree. I lost my husband and my daughter got married . My son and I both walked her . Congratulations. Have a stress free beautiful day and may every day with your new husband be a sheer delight.  

  10. Have both.

  11. I had the same problem when I got married 3 years ago. It was just the total opposite of yours as far as who does more for you and who has been there more. Remember this is your DAY so please don't lose focus of that. Don't make your day out to be a tug of war between your dad and step dad. The choice is your's so if they both play an important part in your life then why not let them both share in your day. Congratulations I'm happy for you and your future husband I hope married life brings you nothing but the best.

  12. I know exactly how you feel!!!I'm getting my step-father to walk me down the aisle because he's never left my life through anything and my real father has never really been there even though we are in contact.

    I suggest that you get both of them to walk you down the aisle if you feel that deep of a connection to both of them.

    Otherwise if you feel you have to absolutely choose then choose the person you feel the deepest connection too and you feel who has been there the most and from what I've read it seems like your step-father has been there more.

  13. I would have both of them walk with you I seen it done before..

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