
What should I do when the best part of my relationship?

by  |  earlier

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Is the s*x. Seriously, we have been dating for a year. We never go anywhere, except to eat or shop occationally. I feel like the only good thing we have is our s*x life. I almost think it's the only thing that holds us together. We love eachother very much, and have fun, laugh, cry, and make fun of eachother. But I think my feelings go deeper than his. I dont want to force anything, so I just kinda go with the flow, but the flow is getting tiring. I want more, and i've told him many times. He knows how I feel, but I think he's scared. I've given my all, how do I get him to understand I won't hurt him. He has 4 children of his own, and I am okay with that. That is hard to find. I believe I am a good catch, and I don't want to be wasting my time.




  1. quit s*x for a while and see how it goes

    try to get out more

  2. It sounds to me that you are wasting your time. "Why buy the cow when you can just have the milk?" Sound familiar? He is getting what he wants, are you? Maybe you need to find a guy with no children  and have a family of your own.



  3. He might be a little intimidated to commit.. just talk to him and let him know how you feel.. that is a good way to start... communicating... without that ... you will go nowhere.. start by telling him how you feel? make him comfortorable.. but, before you go too far... let me give you a piece of advice... are you sure you want to marry a man.. that has 4 children? I mean, right now you are ok with it, but later.. problems will result.. you will need a lot of mental, emotional, and physical strength... I tell you because I know someone that married a man w/ 4 kids and now she regrets it... that's something you might want to think about... before commiting.. because once you marry.. you will take the whole package... and I mean his kids too... just pay attention to what you are saying.. you are saying that u feel that the only good thing is the s*x.. there is more than that.. in a relationship... more.. absolutely more... but, I have no idea how you fell, so I hope that this piece of advice helps... good luck

  4. If you have sat him down and told him you need more from him and he doesn't listen to you, then he's not that into you for whatever reason.  Try it again, sit him down and explain everything, tell him you'd like to get married (if thats what you want) and tell him either you get married or your moving on, he'll make a choice, if he doesn't then leave.  Sounds like he wants you around for his convenience, but doesn't want to commit to you, that's messed up.

  5. what? he moght think that you are not good for him because he have 4 kids and might mess up his kids life or your life!  

  6. tell him that you have reached a stage of your life that you want someone who can commit, tell him that you want to get married.

    if he cannot make the commitment, then you'll have to put your eggs somewhere else. Time is your enemy here.

    There is a chance that he will eventually commit but there is also a possibilty that he will never learn to commit.

    give yourself (or him) a time to make improvements if he can't make the commitment, you may really be better off with someone else. it's not difficult to find a man that just wanna have s*x but doesn't want any commitments.

    Good Luck!

  7. you seem a little concieted. you need to back off him and stop.

  8. u cant stay with someone jst FOR s*x !!!!!!!

  9. A relationship is compromised of so much more. You are worth so much more. You need someone to see and treat you the way you deserve to be treated.  

  10. Girl if he really likes you he wont want you just for s*x now you see how bad that sounds so maybe you should put a short pause on your s*x life and talk or go to dinner or do something cute and romantic

  11. Enjoy it while it lasts, nothing!

    No, but, seriously explain to him your worries, unlike men who have a one track mind and focus on :"We have a good thing here, why touch it!" women tend to see beyond that and into the white dress, picket fence etc etc...

    and since we get flabby and wrinkle and they get more interesting with age (example Sean Connery who is probably 90 and very s**y) we definetely HAVE to have a plan, so what is a girl to do? Use everything in her power to get him to do as she wants, try to cath him right before or while having s*x, their brains are pretty empty then and they will agree to raise sheep for a living if you know how to ask. LOL

  12. Alright...

    You;ve told him before but he;s not taking you seriously..

    So lets change the way you present it..

    Okay, don;t be demanding and do't ask for too much...

    Be straight forward with a compromising twist...

    No nagging...

    Once he;s heard what you truely want...

    Give him a little more time....

    If he doesn't respond within three months....

    Move on to someone els that will hear your concerns and fulfill your needs that you deserve.

    We woman deserve a lot...

    Act like it...

    He'll follow... Unless he's a loser.. then--- you'll know sooner who he really is... someone that doesn't derserve a woman like yourself.


  13. i pity you, as a woman you should be the party giver.... how much time do you spend with his kids? why not take them ONLY out and build yourself a realtionship, and slowly your life with hime wont always be s*x seriously s*x is irresistable but you also have to spend time with him and his kids if you truly want to  be a part of his life.

  14. Women usually do want more out of a relationship than the men. Even if it is getting tiring, just be patient. Give him time. Show him how much you have to offer him by being a very understanding and trusting girlfriend. Try going out on a romantic date to spice things up. Do you feel your relationship is lacking depth? Try engaging him in a meaningful, deep conversation.

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