
What should I do with a deep cut?

by Guest59551  |  earlier

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Last night i got attacked by a dog, the dog bit my hand and its quite deep ( I can see the insides) its only about 1cm in length but is deep. I am proberly best to go to the hopital to get it checked out but im a bit of a wimp when it comes to that! I have put plaster on it and a small bandage to support it, will this work to get it to scar up?





  1. yes, please go to the hospital!

    do you know the owner of the dog?did you see if the dog ran out of a house or garden?

    You may need a tetanus shot and if the dog is a stray:get a rabies shot!you can die from rabies!Go to the emergency at once!

  2. This is very dangerous if left untreated.   It is up to you to be treated but you can lose your hand or your life.  In addition if the dog damaged any structures in your hand you may lose the use of your hand.  The way you have it know it will takes a long time to heal increasing the risk of infection and it does not protect you from rabies.

    Rabies is very serious in humans.  Patients will  feel fine for around 30 to 50 days but the incubation period can be a year or longer and as short as 10 days.  Then they develop a sick feeling, loss of appetite, fatigue, headache, fever,insomnia and depression.  Some patients also have pain, numbness and itching where the rabies entered the body.  2 to 10 days later nervous system damage will become apparent through hyperactivity, hypersensitivity, disorientation, hallucinations, seizures, and paralysis.  Cardiac or respiratory arrest can cause sudden death or a period of a life supported coma.

    You also need to think about the other people that will come into contact wit this dog.  If he kills or severely injures someone else you are responsible for not reporting your attack.

  3. You need to get a tetanus shot and you need to quarantine the dog to see if it has rabies.  If you don't get a rabies shot _before_ you start having symptoms, you will die.  You also need to take an antibiotic prescription.

    If you treat the wound yourself, you run the danger of having the top part of the wound heal, but the deep part remain infected.  This can result in a very bad abscess or in the infection spreading throughout your body (generalized infection).  A generalized infection could result in an amputation or death.

    Definitely, you need to be treated by a doctor!  Call your family physician to ask whether you should see him/her or go to the hospital.  A deep wound has much more potential for causing harm than the shallow wounds that you are probably used to.


  4. You should better visit Hospital cuz dog could have some nasty infection and then you can get it too! VISIT A HOSPITAL AS FAST AS U CAN!

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