
What should I do with a hyper dog?

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Should I get rid of him or not?




  1. A dog who is hyper needs a lot of attention, direction, and lots of

    exercise. Do you have a lot of time, during the day and evening,

    to play with, run with, and direct (teach) your dog? Ball throwing,

    running, walking with, playing tag and wrestling can help a dog

    feel a bond and get direction.

    If you can't adequately work your dog, and you can find a GOOD

    home, it may be best to rehome him.  

  2. A dog should be a lifetime commitment.

    That being said, the best thing to do for a hyper dog is wear them out; if you are unable to go jogging, try biking with your dog.  Biking takes much less energy from you and allows you to go fast enough to wear out a big dog.

    Other great options include training classes (for mental exercise) and extra time at the local dog park.

  3. well if u don't want a hyper dog get rid of hem/her or if u still want to keep him/her just take him/here to a obedience class i heard that helps alot cause one of my cuzins had a hyper dog and they took it to a obedience class and it wasnt hyper at all until it got tumers in its brain then its had cancer (sad they had to put it down  :( its so sad :( really really really really sad cause he was so cute but with all the problems he became hyper so they ended up putting him down) so hope that answered ur question sorry if it didn't and sorry for typing so much i just enjoy talking so much and well i just hope u like to read alot =^_^=

  4. 1. Take him to a vet for testing. Maybe it is hyperthyroid.

    2. Give it away or take it to the city or county SPCA kennel. It may get adopted.

    3. Create a fenced in area big enough it can enjoy without bothering you.

  5. I have heard this so often about labs. The pounds and shelters are full of pets that were too hyper. I have GSDs that have we have worked with and rehomed as working dogs where they do great. I would try everything that was available to me before I would give up on a pet. Maybe some extra training or more exercise. Not knowing the breed or the age of the dog it is hard to give good or useable advise.

  6. take your dog for daily walks and let him run around freely so he can used up excess energy;and he wn't be so hyper.

  7. ware him out during the day and play with him and then atleast he'll be calm for when ur trying to sleep

  8. Should you get rid of him or not? That's not really a question anyone can answer for you. How about are you willing to put in the effort and time required to own a dog? Having a "hyper" dog can be challenging! Do some research on how other pet owners have dealt with the specific challenge of the dog based on breed and such.

    Think about obedience training, taking the dog on walks every single day, going to the dog park.... constructive ways to help him release his energy. Go to a park and throw a ball or frisbee...  

  9. No.  He needs exercise and training.  You don't say what kind of dog he is, but there certain breeds that need several hours of exercise every day.  You may have one of them.

    Agility is a great way for dogs to expel their energy.

  10. A dog usually starts getting hyper when he is not getting enough exercise. Dogs need both physical and mental exercise which you can fulfill by:

    1. Taking them out for two walks a day.

    2. Doing one or two short 15 minutes obedience training sessions.

    3. Doing one 20 min play session, and

    4. Getting them some interactive food toys and kongs that they can work on while you are away.

    If you do not have the time to do these things, then I would consider surrendering him to your local SPCA or other no-kill shelter. SPCAs commonly have a no-kill policy so they are better than city shelters.

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