
What should I do with expired canned goods? dump them out and recycle the can or toss the whole thing?

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What should I do with expired canned goods? dump them out and recycle the can or toss the whole thing?




  1. Good Question Betty.  May I suggest, if you are uncomfortable about consuming the canned goods yourself, consider donating them to a local Emergency Food Pantry.  Most of the products available at the South Jersey Food Bank is either near or past the "Use By" dates and the product is still fit for human consumption.  You can get a list of area Emergency Food Pantries directly from the Food Bank: .

    Good Luck,

    Dr. Jim Doster

  2. dump them out and recycle the can would be best for the environment and the ground. It would also be best if you put some of the expired food in a compost bin or pour some of it on your garden,if you have one.

  3. Dump in your compost pile, and then recycle the rinsed out can. I had a fly colony out back last Summer before  I got in the habit of rinsing.

  4. i thik you should dump them out and recycle

  5. I vote for recycling the cans! It really doesn't take a long time to dump out the cans and rinse them. You can recycle them, some places even pay for your recycled cans. Or you can reuse them by washing them really well and decorating them.. there are so many uses and re-uses for things.. get crafty.

  6. use them still,canned stuff does not go off,souphas been consumed 40yrs later and corned beef,canning is the best form of preservation and a few years back nothing had expiry dates on them

  7. you couls start your own compost heap in the garden. put all your old can contents in there and this can then be recycle to use on the garden. it will solve your problem and make your flowers grow too.

  8. Throw the whole thing away. You know, even if you remove the contents, some bacteria may remain on the can and stay there for as long as you don't do anything tedious!

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