
What should I do with kids wiggle tooth that is not coming out?

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My daughter is 5 anf has a wiggle tooth that has been so for 2 weeks. It is so loose it is like falling off but she would not push it out as she says it hurts a lot. So, should I apply a little pressure or just let it fall by itslef or taker her to the dentist?




  1. I know it's a bit of a classic but have her bite an apple lol

  2. I wouldn't spend money on the dentist, but either of the other choices work.  She can deal with it until it falls out, and keep playing with it with her tounge to help it along.  Or you could tell her to lean her head back, close her eyes and open her mouth, and then quickly grab it and pull it out.  If she's scared, try telling the old story about 'when I had a loose tooth, dad tied a string to it, tied the other string to the door, slammed the door and it came right out.  She won't let you put a string around her tooth, but it will suddenly seem a lot less scary to let someone pull it.  

  3. Either will work, so you should do which ever is better for the child's comfort level.

    Deciduous teeth usually come out easily, but every once in a while, one hangs on.

    If she trusts your dentist, go to him. He'll do it cleanly and minimize the chance of any problems. If she doesn't trust her dentists, or really trusts you, do it yourself. The chances of a problem are really minimal. And it's cheaper.

  4. Talk to her dentist... when it comes to little ones don't second guess what to do.  Good luck & hope the 'tooth fairy' comes soon!

  5. If it is loose, and you don't mind, it is ok to pull it is a baby tooth, the roots are mostly resorbed now, and is probably being held in place by tissue (that is why it is loose)....

    You can ice it, then keep wiggling it, it will probably feel better once it is out and you can keep the area clean.

    There will probably be a little bleeding, and after it is out you can bite on a clean gauze or wash cloth to control that....

    Not to worry.....

  6. Let it fall out on its own. It's not really bothering anything, is it? If you pull it too soon, it can be painful and it may bleed.  

  7. Use a pair of dad did on me.

    And put a silver dollar under her pillow.

  8. Have her wiggle it by twisting it, if she twists it as far as she can then twists it the other way then repeats, it will fall out faster.  Kids forget to twist.

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