
What should I do with my 4 kids while I go to the hospital?

by  |  earlier

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I can not drop them off anywhere, all the grandparents are too far away. Any ideas?




  1. Have a friend stay with them.

  2. Find someone...friend, neighbor, family...someone at church, or through work?

    I'd imagine that it could be rather difficult to deal with 4 kids while in labor!

    I'd bet just about anyone you know would watch them just for a chance to see the new babies!

  3. I can come over and watch the children

    why didn't you ask me

    im just on bed rest for the next 3 or so months

  4. Daycare center. Or hire a babysitter.  

  5. If you have no family or friends try a day care or babysitter My kids are always at the hospital and will most likely be there for our fourth  

  6. Do you have a trusting neighbor that can stay with them?

  7. 1.On the 24th, I'll come pick them up.

    2.I'll take care of them until you have the twins.(my husband and older child can help, and Manfred can play with them)

    3.I take them to see the newborns.

    4. I take them back to my house.

    5.You go home from the hospital.

    6.I bring them to your house.

    7.You keep me on speed dial incase you need help.

  8. Depending on your location and your income...your state can possibly my area are daycare homes that are funded by the county

    like foster care home ....only on temp a social worker.

    you should get in touch with a neighbor or a camp counselor..a

    teacher...that my work for little or about families of

    your kids friends?....retired grannies would love the work.

  9. well a friend,neighbor is the best idea

    if none then hire a babysitter that young but not too young so she ca have fun with them and b energetic but not an irresponsible one for that time :)


    good luck with ur twins :)

  10. how old are they, if they are older than 9 I think they should be able to stay in the waiting room if you are not going to be there for long, and the hospital staff is there and they will be staying together so its not like something bad will happen to them.

    If its over night then you will have to find an alternative, When my parents were at the hospital overnight I slept on one of their couches but I was 13 years old then. I know that hospitals have family rooms but you should not leave a young kid there for too long

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