
What should I do with my broken Xbox 360?

by  |  earlier

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Should I repair it or sell it and get an Xbox 360 Elite




  1. If it's truely trashed and you're just going to throw it away check out: for places you can take it to so the electrical parts don't s***w up a landfill.

  2. What that guy said, if it is the RROD, they send you the details to send it into them, all you have to do it package it up and send it. If it is out of warranty, maybe try and take it to a repair place and sell it to them ? they might want it because they can fix it for nothing... just a suggestion.

    Now about the elite, I would really recommend getting it if you need a new one, a lot more space for downloading maps, and just generally faster, and IMO look a h**l of a lot kooler =p

    Happy gaming...  

  3. depends on what part broke, if its the RROD send it in, and get it fixed for free, problem solved. if it is something else, and it is out of warranty, then buying a new one would be your best bet, but if that is the choice you make, do NOT buy one before 9-4-08, that is the day they drop in price 50 bucks!

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