
What should I do with my brother and his fish?

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My brother recently purchased a Black Moore goldfish, which he named Blachery.

My brother loved this little fish, even though he only lived for 2 weeks. Blachery died today. He is really distraught and sad about.

He made a little will for the fish, and he woke up crying because he saw the dead fish next to his bed (disturbing) since he keeps the fish bowl there.

What can I do to make him feel better? My mom already bought two other fish, but my brother says Blachery is irreplaceable. Does anyone have any ideas how I can try to help him?




  1. If you he sticks with the fish bowl, chances are you'll have more problems even if you replace the fish. The only thing that would make him happy is if you get him a fish tank, minimum ten gallons for one, strictly one and that's already pushing it. One more thing about this idea is someone has to take on the responsibility of a fish tank, anyone in the family. It might be either a consequence or a benefit. Since you're the one who cares, I suggest you give extra time and money for the benefits and drawbacks of a fish tank. The only drawback is time and money, but rewarding once you understand everything. Then take him to the pet store and buy him the fish he wants, of course ask the pet store people if that fish is a beginner's fish. Good luck!

  2. Tell him blackchery went to fish heaven.

  3. go make him an ice cream sundae or do something that would cheer him up a bit. I was REALLY sad when my fish died but in a day I realized things died and that napolean (my old black moore) was in a better place!

  4. No fish, especially goldfish, belong in bowls.  The bowl is the reason the fish died.  Hopefully, your mom didn't buy two new goldfish to stuff into the bowl.  

    Two goldfish need absolutely nothing smaller than a 30 gallon TANK with a filter rated for a 75-100 gallon tank.  

    Your mom needs to do some serious research on fish.  Unless she does, she will continue to kill your brother's fish.  

  5. You need to give him a chance to grieve.  We all feel bad when a pet we love dies.  Just be there for him when he's feeling sad.  He needs to dispose of the fish so that the dead fish will not be there sitting in the bowl looking gross to remind him all the time, though.  Help him to have a little funeral for the fish and find a nice place for him to bury it.  Maybe help him to decorate a pretty cardboard box to be a coffin for it.  Tell him that everything dies and that fish don't live long and Blachery is in a happier place now where he won't feel any pain and can swim with his other fish friends that have passed on (like his Mom and Dad) and he can swim forever and not have to live in a little bowl.  Then just hug him and pat his back and let him be sad for a while.  He'll bounce back eventually.

  6. Get an iddentical fish and say blachery came b(l)ack to life cos he loves your kid.

    And make sure you know how to care for them, goldfish are suprisingly hard to care for. They need lots of space(50gall minimum) and constant cleaning(the are the filthiest of fish).

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