
What should I do with my cats? :( I feel so bad for them.....

by  |  earlier

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so i have 5 cats...they were able to live with us until we moved in with my grandma, who has a big dog. my great grandma (who died recently) has a house right next door to her, so we keep the cats there and go over every day to feed them, change their litter, and just spend time with them. but i feel so bad for them, because they're always all alone when we're not there...but we can't put them up for adoption. buttercup is too old, so if no one takes her, they'll just put her to sleep. snickers and eris are sisters and they can't be separated. gary and allie can't be separated, either..not only that, but snickers loves gary and allie... and eris just loves everyone. see what i mean? it breaks my heart to go over there every time and see how lonely they always are. what should i do? just wait to move into our own place, which could take over a year?? we can't afford to keep them anywhere else..





  1. I think they will be happy as long as they got each other to keep each other company.  My cats like being together and play alot even when we are not around.  

    Look at it this way, at least they are not in the pound and will not be put down.  Also, they are not outside where they can catch diseases or get hit by cars.  They are safe and have each other and you still look after them.  You should just keep them there until you can find good homes for them.

    Good Luck!

  2. i say take your grandmas dog over there and bring the cats back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Cats are wonderful in the aspect that they only require a small amount of attention to be satisfied. They have each other, to make up for when you're not there.

    Don't feel bad. You're doing what needs to be done at the moment.

  4. If they have eachother I am sure they are fine! I hope you are able to go over there daily to clean their litter boxes and feed them, and spend lots of time with them. Why can't you live in that house too, if it is right next door?  

  5. If the house is properly air conditioned and heated, and if you feed and water, clean litter boxes and keep the house tidy, I see no problem. They have each other for company and you go spend time with them so if you can, I'd just stick with this situation for a while. Why not just move into the house with them?

  6. I think that the cats are fine.Cats aren't like dogs,which crave human companionship.Yes,they like attention,but they do fine with just a little interaction everyday.As long as you're meeting their basic needs and visiting them everyday,I would say to just wait until you move and leave the cats as they are.Separating them would be more traumatic and they would be hard to place,as there is a surplus of cats in shelters now. Also,to entertain them,give them some cardboard boxes,scratch posts and toys.Paper bags are a big hit with cats,too.

  7. You're doing much better for these cats than most people would. Many would give them away to strangers, take them to shelters, or just let them free. It is so wonderful that you are taking care of them, and they do appreciate it.

    Cats don't really get "lonely" - they are by nature "loners" and don't necessarily need human companionship. I'd be a little worried if it was just one cat, but they keep each other company and it sounds like they're well taken care of. Spend a few extra minutes with them each day and feel good that you're doing a nice thing.

  8. I am thankful for this post. Yes, i would leave them in the other house for a year till you move. It is by far the best thing for them

  9. If the cats arn't afraid of the dog and it won't  hurt any of them move the cats in with you.

  10. This may sound a little simplistic - but if your cats are living in an empty house, why aren't you living there with them?  Sounds like a great idea to me.  If you are living with  your grandmother in order to care for her, people in the family can take turns living with the cats.

    It sounds like you really love your cats, so they probably love you too, and miss you - move on over!

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