
What should I do with my excess energy?

by  |  earlier

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I have a lot of it right now! What should I do?

Can you think of anything productive to do with it?

Oh, I should mention, it's not just the energy to do physical stuff. I have acquired a lot of mental stimulation and motivation etc as well, SO if you'd want to suggest a mental activity (such as writing something specific) then feel free to tell me what to do with that kind of energy as well!

(Sorry about my grammar. I'm a bit wound up if you can't tell.)




  1. Do some volunteer work that involves labor... ie Habitat for Humanity.. get involved in community programs or help out less fortunate people.. nursing homes etc.. Think of new and creative ideas dealing with economy or inventions .. Go running.. take up kick boxing.. lol Good luck  

  2. As for your mental energy, perhaps you could challenge yourself by taking on quantum physics and advanced calculus concepts. LOL

    Maybe you could spread your "intellectual wealth" by writing letters to newspaper or magazine editors regarding a slew of topics or even posting frequently in online forums.  (Be careful not to feed the trolls, though.  Their idiocy has a tendency to rub off on others.)

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