
What should I do with my gauges on my wedding day?

by  |  earlier

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It's a ways down the road, but I'm curious as to what I should do with them. They're double zeros now, idk how big they'll be then. Any advice/solutions guys?




  1. I'd love to give suggestion, but I don't know what you're referring to?!

    EDIT:  Anne's it after the wedding.  They're not very attractive.

  2. Either wear them during your wedding with some plugs that are clear or that match your colors, or stop stretching until after your wedding.

  3. What the heck are gauges?

  4. Put some flower vases in them, flowers in the vases of course, to hide the gagues.  

  5. Gracious I am sorry but I don't have a clue as to what you are talking about. I sure hope someone else does so I can find out.

    Now I know thanks. Don't start the gauges until after the wedding. That is my opinion. To me they look tacky.

  6. people gauges are those things people use to stretch the holes in peircings.

    EDIT: if you don't think you want them all in your pictures etc. then stop stretching until after your wedding.  If that doesn't bug you or your fiance then leave them in but maybe you could find colours that would match the wedding a bit.

    good luck

  7. I believe that you can get flesh colored plugs to make it less obvious.  Sort of how some brides cover their tattoos with make up.  The other thing you could do is put discrete gauges in and then wear neat earrings THROUGH the gauges.  Or you could get something sparkly to wear in them.  If you don't want them to show, in addition to the flesh colored plugs, you could wear your hair down a little, perhaps in curls or waves, over your ears (that is, if you have long hair).  Alternately, if you are going to be having a slightly edgy wedding anyway, just wear what you would normally wear!  I would suggest that if you don't want them to show, then pause the gauging until after the wedding.  Good luck!

    EDIT: here's a link to show you what I mean also google image search 'gauged ear flesh colored plug'

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