
What should I do with my peice of Ivory?

by  |  earlier

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My grandma used to have an elephant wall hanging thing and the tusks on the elephant were real ivory, she ended up taking the thing down when one of the tusks went missing. She gave me the peice of ivory and I was wondering is there any where I can hand it in or anything, I'm not keen on selling as it promotes the ivory trade :(! I guess I just feel guilty about having it and want to get rid of it to somewhere it wont be used wrongly :)





  1. In no way should the sell of old Ivory be conscrewed as promoting the taking of Ivory.

    If you seriously would like to give it away, then contact some of the natural history museums in your area.

    or a local University.

  2. Not all ivory was taken illegally. Enjoy what you have.

  3. I would bury it as it is a bone and will (eventually) decompose.  Also, having old ivory doesn't in anyway support any current (illegal) trade.  So please don't feel guilty.

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