
What should I do with my recording equipment/website?

by  |  earlier

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I have a mixer and a mic and headphones and all that c**p for recording. I used to be an online radio DJ so I have all that stuff, plus I have adobe audition. Now I want to build a website but I don't know what to make it about and I want to use my recording equipment but I can't sing and I'm just learning the guitar. Since I don't do radio anymore, any ideas as what I should record and put on my website?

SERIOUS answers ONLY please.




  1. If you can do about some spoken word, Some prose, reading from a book or something open source for vision impared (as many can't read print but can hit a play button big enough)

    And Cool radio man had a great idea with the voice over stuff.. know a few doing VO from the house right now

  2. for a site go to as for your gear. sell it on EBAY or send it to WCYT in Fort wayne we really need new stuff we are a High school Station the needs new stuff all the time. haha just kidding but no really do need new stuff. Yeah all I can think of really to do is sell it.

  3. Well for the website you could go free with sites like or google pages (must have a gmail account) or you could pay through yahoo or go

    For content you could put something you made from your guitar. Depending on your knowledge on the guitar, why not teach people online with it?

    You could also do voice work?

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