
What should I do with my skin before I go to sleep?

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I wear makeup nearly every day so obviously I need to wash it off before I go to bed.

But what's the best thing to do? Should I wash, tone and exfoliate etc. like I do in the morning or should I just remove the makeup with wipes and leave it at that?

I have dry skin if that makes any difference.




  1. just make sure you wash it off at night, if not pores can become very clogged. philosphy beauty makes a excellent face wash called purity. i use it at night to remove my makeup, it gets it all off(even the eye makeup) and leaves my skin very smooth. they also have a excellent moisturer called hope in a jar.  

  2. In addition to the other answers make sure you drink plenty of water in the day, not only is this good for your health but it is a must for your skin.

  3. you should use a clenser toner and moisuriser every morning and evening

    and exfoliate once a week

    dermalogica is very effective and will do what it says on the bottle ,

    make sure to get the range for dry skin

  4. Take it off, give it a good shake, then put it on a hanger and all the wrinkles will be gone by morning, ready for a new day!

  5. Remove your make-up with a wipe, then exfoliate and use a night cream. Make sure you use water based products, as you have dry skin.

  6. u should moisturize as it is dry. answer mine

  7. Wash most defo, I use Lush soap and have great skin. Also use a minty cool face gel cleanser.

  8. hey

    i thing u need to wash of make up  u can try olay body wash and ur sking will feel really soft and relax alot so yeah try  those lol

    good luck

  9. The best thing you can do is wash only at night, because if you are washing agin in the morning then you are just stripping your skin. i would use a creamy cleanser, that will be good for your dry skin and is not foaming, and also using a mild toner that does not contain harsh ingrediants such as witch hazel to get any excess dirt or makeup off. as far as exfoliating, you only need to do it once or twice at the most a week. after toning and exfoliating, its always good to use a day or night time moisterizer or serum. i love serums because they contain smaller molecules and can penetrate your skin deeper. the body shop has alot of good serum. Also using a vitamin serum such as A or C is really great. The best thing you can do is nourish your skin! Harsh products/Ingrediants and over cleansing your skin will only hurt it, even though it wont feel clean! Finally never forget SPF!

  10. you should always cleanse, tone and moisturize, morning and night. If your skin is dry then a night cream will do it the world of good as it is richer than a day cream.Exfoliate once a week, this will get rid of dead skin cells which can contribute to dry skin. Use an eye cream and apply to the eye contours at night, a normal moisturizer is too rich for the eye area. Use an eye gel in the mornings, this will refresh and reduce any puffiness.

  11. wash and remove rest with soft makeup wipes and moisturize it

  12. Hang it on the dresser so it doesn't crease.


    put cold water all over your face and scrub your face with sugar..

    rinse it off and put on unscented lotion.

    *try it for a week and trust me you WILL see the difference.

    i have SUCH dry skin you dont understand! and the sugar thing is professional advice coming from a tv show :P

  14. You should use a natural cleansing milk -only- whenever you cleanse and you don't need any cream afterwards because it already has natural moisturisers in it.

    One good one is "la Farmacia delle Erbe - Latte Detergente" which contains goodies like Aloe Vera, Ginko Biloba and cucumber.

  15. You should exfoliate to get the dirt off from the day then you should cleanse it it. Since your skin is dry you should moisturize it it like an overnight moisturize. I use Queen Helene Cocoa moisturizing lotion. Make sure you don't use something greasy because that can clog your pores  from rolling around on your pillow so use something non greasy.

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