
What should I do with my son????

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I have a problem (or maybe it is not a problem just for me) with my son.He is 3 years old, from a bilingual family. He can't speak properly, he knows only worlds and a couple of sentences.He can answer questions, he understands almost everything, but can't answer properly.The only thing with him, is that he knows all the letters of the Alphabet (Capital and small ones as well) He knows the numbers, he can count properly,up to 100, he can add the numbers.(for example he knows 4+7).He looks like a 5 years old.(tall and big).We have enrolled him to a private school, a really good one, but I have been told that he will get bored in prep and year 1, because his knowledge is over that age.We have never pushed him to learn and to do this things, he does it because he loves it. What should I do with him?




  1. OMG!!! you have a gifted child ur soooo LUCKY!!!

    my brother is 3 years old too and tall he looks like a 5 year old too. but my brother can only count to 5!!! and dont know the alphabit. UR SOOO LUCKY!!!

    and its ok if he doesnt speak probebly.

    but if its doesnt change for a year or 6 month go to the doctor and see.

  2. Honey,CONGRADULATIONS,you have a gifted child,yes he's bored,shame on the school for not testing him or moving him up a grade or two,thats okay to do,if he then needs a little help in a couple of areas okay he'll catch right on to those new classes


    Look for a challenging charter,gifted,even churched based school that offers free tutoring to keep him keep busy and working ahead of his grade at least on the side this could be his reward for 'dealing with" the regular classes as he's suposed to and the other activities you should look for are soccer,chess,math club or something he enjoys very much or would like to try,again this will be benificial and can be used as a kind of agreement for him to "tolorate it" until the school does their duty of satisfiying his needs and true knowledge level regaurdless of his age or natural assigned grade level.

    Look for schools of high acheivement,technology,they do have them for as young as kindergarden! look for open enrollment;your child can attend any school regaurdless of your address YOU are responsible for transpertation if you do live out of that school distric though.

    Have him tested for free through the school for learning disabilitis,speech delays or impediments and be sure everyone who speaks to him and around him are speaking clearly also for free have the public school in your district check his hearing,they'll usally go ahead and check his vision too .

    They should and I beleive are oblogated to help you even if your son is not attending or planning on attending their school.

    Make sure he is exposed to both languages EQUALLY and properly (spoken) dora the explorer on nick junior or mi-how-ki-lan can assist you and reassure him (depending on which languages he knows)

    Also free to you through the school system should be "English Learning"and sometimes "Spanish learning" classes as a tutour situation more so then as a fun class or second language purposes.

    Again congradulations,and American Sign Language (ASL) is fun for everyone,as he learns the signsand what they mean  he may even start to speak better and teach others.

    ASL DVDs can be found at wal*mart in the toy section (for some reason) like Baby Einstein DVDs they really are fun for all ages.

    You may talk to your family doctor/clinic about taking a precaution and get him tested for dislexia,maybe alone the letters are easy to memorize but together are all mixed up,Also ADD/ADHD many seem to suffer boredom due to these syndroms,And lastly and to the exream of things here;Autisium...I doubt it but it's better to be safe than sorry "they" say,

    I wish you the best and hope this helped in some way,even if only to asure you there is hope and its not thst bad after all.

    GOOD LUCK,you CAN do it...together.

  3. Definately not a problem :-)  Yes, sounds like he would fall into the gifted and talented program.  As for moving him's a possibilty but consider his social emotional he truly ready to jump ahead that many years? May be better to work with the teachers and create a way to challenge your child at home and at school.  Though he has great knowledge in basic concepts...does he know how to write them?  He hasn't started writing sentences/stories yet...he isn't reading, I'm assuming...and that's all done in the early years.  

    Maybe your goal should be focusing on his language.  Someone mentioned tutoring.  That's a good idea if you don't have the time yourself...but this is something you can do at home.  Do you know both languages?  If not, start teaching yourself the one you don't know...that way throughout the day you can say the objects/sentences in both languages.  This is going to be an awesome opportunity for him.  Remember at 3 years old...some typically developing children are just starting into full sentences...and still would rather speak in short 2 word phrases...he's not so far behind.  

    His brain is capable of learning and comprehending both languages, if you work with him.  I know some bilingual families who choose to speak one language one day and the other language the next day.  These children are amazing in their language ability and also can learn other languages very easily.  The connections in the brain have been wired for languages at the early age.

    Good luck!  Think of this as OPPORTUNITY not a problem!  Having a good attitude will definately go a long way!

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