
What should I do with terrible puppy breath?

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Ok another question today. The girls got horrific breath. Jasmine's is worse. It could be from teeting and excessive drooling. They're under supervision almost 24/7 so I know they do not eat p**p. I try brushing their teeth but Jasmine acts like I'm killing her. Anything I can give them?




  1. Some dogs will always have bad breath and your vet will be able to tell if its normal or a health issue.

    LOOK in the mouth and check and see if there are any food things stuck in between teeth or maybe in a hole left from baby tooth (if there are any).

    Also look to see if the gums are swollen at all as that could be infection.

    If its from the teething at least that is usually over by 6 to 7 months.

    You can try feeding ice cubes to see if that helps clear out some of the source.

  2. I brought my puppy special dog treats to help with bad breath, or you could buy special dog mints XD

    But if you keep trying to brush your dogs teeth everyday, she might learn, my dog just sits when I brush his teeth now, but at first he didnt let at all. XD

    Good luck :)

  3. Try getting them to play with one of those rope toys. It cleans their teeth and they have fun at the same time.  You can also buy treats for them that freshen their breath.

  4. Yes. There is a product called yip yap breath mints for dogs. They look just like a treat and most dogs usually like them. If you give one to each dog a day it should keep their breath smelling fresh. They are available in most pet shops.

    Hope this helps.

  5. How exactly were you brushing her teeth?  If she's resisting that much you might want to start a little more gradualy, with just your finger.  They also make pet-specific brush things that slip on your finger.

    My old dog had horrid breath when he was a pup, after seeing the vet and everything checking out, brushing his teeth cleared up 95% of the problem.  

    It may also be a diet thing, and not a "teeth" thing.  What are you feeding them?

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