
What should I do with the guitar while watching Tv? I practice loike 2-4 hours a day but then I relax and

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watch some tv holding the guitar but what should i do with it sitting on my bed watching Tv at like night and stuff




  1. I practice all the time while watching TV (or when my girlfriend is watching tv, studying, etc.).  I'll play a pentatonic scale, over and over and over again, then move onto the next one.  I don't do it to hear it (in fact, i barely even pick at all.  Who wants to hear the 5th string root pentatonic scale for 30 minutes??), I do it to improve my muscle memory.  At least for me, it's effective.  You not only learn the scale, but also improve coordination.  Or if I'm learning a song that has some difficult chord changes, I'll practice going back and forth between two chords (again, not necessarily strumming).  

    So, yes, you can still practice while the TV is on, but don't let that be your only practice time.  It is still important to have focused practice.

  2. It's stupid to practice if you're not focus on what you're doing.

    Turn off that TV.

    Read or work out.

  3. You are either practicing, or not.  Put down the guitar - you are creeping me out.

    When I was in grad school, there was this guy who USED to be a band director, and clearly stunk at it, so became a guidance counselor.  Lucky kids.  He said that he still kept up his practice on the horn - but it was so boring to him, that he would put on Oprah after school while he did his scales, etc.  Knowing this to be a waste of practice time, I said to him "Good God - how can you HEAR?"  - obviously meaning, focus on practice.  He answered  "NO problem - I just turn the TV up way loud . . . "

    History repeats itself . . .

  4. There's no point in practicing if you're not going to fully focus your attention on it. It seems to me that you don't like learning to play guitar and that it's a chore for you. I've never heard of anybody watching TV while practicing.

  5. Really practicing your guitar should not be a chore. If it seems like a chore to you then I would simply give up playing. I've been a musician for 12 years and play all the instruments found in an orchestra but play them at the 5th grade level because I was told that I needed that knowledge to begin writing for an orchestra.  

    My dominate instrument was the Trumpet and I'm not gonna lie I got so bored playing the rudiments of that instrument I started learning by ear the trumpet tracks from the Star Wars saga.  If that got boring to me I bought piano books and transposed the score to the trumpet which is one note higher as the piano is a C instrument and the trumpet is a Bb instrument.  Which means when the piano plays the note C the trumpet player has to play the note D to sound the same pitch.

    Same thing with guitar I learned as many Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer, Morbid Angel, Linkin Park, Disturbed, Machine Head, Emperor, Dimmu Borgir, Nevermore, Killswitch Engage, Shadows Fall, and All That Remains songs as I could to better myself as a Rhythm Guitarist. I'd rather play the rhythm under the solo than play the solo it's self because of playing the trumpet all my life where I was ALWAYS playing the melody.  Now I'm growing so much as a rhythm guitarist that my actual rhythm guitar parts are meshing between rhythm and lead parts because I'm starting to learn classical guitar.

    I'm always keeping myself busy mind you that I play probably 3-6 hours a day. Writing your own material does push you to learn how to play in a way that you were not familiar with. Don't bore your self keep it interesting.

    Learn how to play Jazz, All Forms of Metal, Classic/Folk Rock because these are all the hardest forms of music to play on the guitar especially Norwegian Black Metal, and Swedish Melodic Death Metal. Some of the craziest stuff I've ever seen.  Then again learn Led Zeppelin, Days of the New, and Johnny Cash to because they use really hard chords.  Also Pantera  uses messed up chords as well cuz Dime Bag was a crazy man.  As well as Randy Rhodes he was crazy to for his age.

    Keep it interesting if you wanna watch T.V. put the guitar away play it another day.

    I hope I helped have fun

  6. Better yet.......turn it on MTV or a music station where you can still practice and try to play by ear. That way you can enjoy both.

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