
What should I do?PLZ answer VERY Important?

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I have this friend{who shall remain anonymous}..well...she's 21 & she already has 2 kids.She came & stayed with me about 2 weeks ago and brought her baby with her who is like 3 months old. Well..I held the baby and I noticed that she smelled REALLY she hadn't had a bath in LONG time.I also noticed 2 other things

1.The baby had a rash all over her tummy & back

2.the baby had red bumps all under her neck.I mean BIG red bumps.I asked her about it & she said it's where she get's milk under her chin.But I've never seen a baby with red sores under their neck like that..could that really be 4rm the milk?? Should i turn her in or sumthng??




  1. Butt your nose in, every chance you get, and tell her she needs to take her baby to a doctor! NOW!! Tell her if things don't change, you be forced to do right by the child, and turn her in... The kids are more important than your friendship with this irresponsible person... And, no, the baby would not get those bumps from milk, unless allergic, in which case, other reactions would likely be present... I've had 3 babies, and last one is on the way, and milk does get under their chin, sometimes... You CLEAN IT OFF! Something else is going on...

  2. I have heard about the bumps on the neck from the milk. Although, the children also seem to have the same hygiene issues. Maybe you could find her some help some place (community center, womens shelter, Catholic Charities) and if that don't work turn her in. How long does she think she can keep the baby in a storage bin?

  3. I would call CPS because they can give her money to help with items for the baby, basinet, etc.  They will make sure she takes the baby to the doctor.  They will send her to parenting classes to help her learn how to clean a baby.  CPS sometimes takes children away but then again, alot of times they give them back when the mom is REALLY ready and she could get a free attorney if she doesn't make much money.  I have 4 children and

    I truely think this could be your best option.  She'll forgive you someday but then again, she might not know who ever told but don't think about that for now, just call to get the baby some help.

  4. Is there any free health clinics that your friend can take the baby to?  

    How well is the other child taken care of?  Do you have any concerns about him/her?  If you do, then you should contact the proper social authorities.

    I think first the baby's rash should be looked at by a professional.  The baby could be allergic to her formula or have some other skin problem that could be helped with medical intervention.  Since the Mom cannot afford a proper crib for the baby, a free clinic would be a godsend for her.  Hopefully, there's one near-by that she can go to.

    What a great advocate you are for her children!

  5. this sounds bad. try to talk to her again and if she isnt more responsive tell her u are going to have to contact the athorities for the well being of her child. she should be lucky that someone cares enough about her children to be concerned.  How old is the other child and were there any signs of neglect on him/her? good luck!

  6. First of all i dont get why she gets t hose red bumps.. But i think there is more going on with the baby..... If i was u i would talk to her and talk to the department of children of families, they need to know that there is a problem going on with the kids. Its serious issue. And putting a baby in those things, thats dangerous.. Talk to her, or have your mom talk to her and see whats going on..

  7. wow the storage bin thing is really crazy, not good...

    straight up ask her if she needs help, like with money or baby equipment, or advice.... i don't have a clue why she would be letting her baby sleep in that

    don't turn her in until you have a talk with her, does she have family close by? talk to them too....

    as for the bumps, my daughter has really sensitive skin and sometimes gets a light rash, which i think is mild heat rash, but what you describes seems a lot worse, my daughter also has some red sores under her neck which i put baby power on which helped right away, suggest she use some...

    i would just repeatedly ask to help her and if she doesn't think there is a problem with any of this then your last resort should be turning her in

  8. Suggest to her that the storage bin can double as a baby bathtub.

    For the skin problems:  If the child is not covered under health insurance, see if she can get the child on WIC, which is good for children up to 5 years of age.  If she can't get a WIC appointment, after giving the child a bath, rub some coconut oil on the rash and bumps.  If it's fungal, the coconut oil will work.

    Good luck!  :-)

  9. Wow... you need to get your friend some help with her baby. It sounds the the smeel and rash are being caused by a yeast infection and needs to be treated.

  10. OMG, poor thing..yes you need to talk to your friend first and if she doesnt want to hear it then you call someone on her, you may lose a friend but you are helping out a helpless baby. If she doesnt even have a bed then this mom deff doesnt have her priorities straight. If the milk is doing this too her than that proves she doesnt clean the baby up after feeding, and if it stinks than she is not changing the diaper when needed, please talk to her or call Child and Family Services on her so they can go out and investigate and check up on her, I think if its not so bad they will give her guidelines and check in on her every so often to make sure that everything is okay, but if its worse then they might take them away til she gets her stuff straightened out. But either way something needs to be done.

  11. WOW!!  Your poor friend.  Things must really be bad for her right now?  Is she homeless, and that's why she needed to come and stay with you?  

    That would explain a little why the baby hasn't had a bath, hence the bumps on her neck from the milk...if it sits there long enough, yes, the bacteria from the old formula/milk can really irritate the skin and even cause sores that open.

    I don't think she needs to be turned in.....she NEEDS a friend right now, to talk to her about what is going on in her life, that these things are happening.  Have you visited her house since she came to see/stay with you?  I think that would be MY first step.  Please go help your friend!

    Maybe she is depressed(postpartum), and needs extra help.

    Please do not 'turn her in' per say...until you know for sure what is gong on with her!!

    Good Luck

    Momma P

  12. Maybe her skin can't stand milk or something. Clean her up so she at least smell better and get her to a doctor to see what the problem, then maybe treat her.

  13. for the kids sake yes turn her in....honestly wats more important childrens health and lives or you friend who can't take care of her kids.

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