I sped straight off a curb, not just any curb though. So my bike collapsed with me on it and skidded a little. My right leg got the worst. The bottom half of my thigh, in the front is a 3-4 inch long cut with Dark, maroon and pink bruising surrounding it. I have a small 1 inch cut with bruising on the outer part. And a purple bruise with pink dots extending about 5 inches in the inside of the thigh.
My left leg didn't get too much damage. Scraped inner thigh right by the knee (along with similar pink dotted bruising.
Both shins have small bruises and both hands are bruised.
The biggest thing is it is very painful to walk and feels like I lost motion on my knees. It is painful to bend my knees as I normally do when I walk. I'm walking like a penguin. And I have cross country starting within a few days !