I am talking to 2 girls and both are pretty awesome, not many cons except...
Girl 1: She lives a little over an hour away, and i dont have a job. And it will be difficult to get my dad to let me go.
Girl 2: Shes having minor issues with my bestfriend girl.
But neways.. Girl 2 is in driving distance and is really pretty, bout 5'1 and really thin > [Which is why i was kinda surprised she liked me].
and shes pretty fun to be with..
Girl 1: Seems pretty cool, my friend said she seems more like my type then girl 2. And shes also really pretty, but, we havent really 'met' she became my friend through my other friend n went from msn to talking on the phone but yea..
- I have 'dated' and broken up with girl 1 like 3283 times.
girl 2: she talks to me nomatter what, if shes tired she says shes not even though i know she is and will call/txt me for hours. But.. girl 2 is kind of annoying, in the sense she will continue to ask about stuff until i tell her or freak out on her. And when we hangout shes pretty awesome and stuff.