
What should I draw???

by Guest62722  |  earlier

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I love drawing but, I keep running out of ideals so please, does any one have some great drawing ideals??? Something besides flowers, animals, and just simple stuff. Stuff like scenes and full picture ideals something creative please! I also like drawing while listening to my ipod to give me ideals. What would be a good song to inspire me to draw something interesting??? please nothing inappropriate thanks for your time:)




  1. Something to do with Twilight

  2. I know you said no flowers and animals,,,but once I had a drawing class professor give an assignment to draw something and then draw the same thing again the next day, then the next day and again and again until finally, I had drawn the same object everyday for almost one full year...I choose to draw a tree in my backyard since I knew it would always be there and it would change ever so slightly everyday, the sketch book I keep those tree drawings in is one of my favorites to look back on, to see that tree change as the seasons changed (i live in the Northeast US so the tree went through some dramatic changes in fall and spring)

    You could do the same thing only using a scene...maybe the scene you get when youre sitting in your favorite cafe or coffe shop?

  3. Why don't you draw a famous 60s actress like Audrey Hepburn or Bridgette Bardot? I love to draw those sort of people

  4. here r some ideas for ya....

    1. Listen to one of your favourite songs and draw wat ever that song puts in ur imagination,,,

    2. if ur a cartoonist, draw manga... the old japanese type character... with the funny outfits lol

    3. if u a realistic person, draw the roman areana with a gladiator standing in front of the scene with blood driping from his sword... :P

    i said those two pictures because i thought they were cool... im gonna try drawin the gladiator one now.. :P

  5. I couldn't think of any thing to draw so i emptied my make-up bag and drew what I saw. It was definitely challenging enough but it came out great! Just think outside the box.
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