
What should I eat before a soccer tournament?

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Hi I have this HUGE soccer tournament today at 2:00British COlombia time.

What should I eat to have LOTS of energy but not so I am bloated and cant run as fast?




  1. Have some eggs trust me dont listen to these dumb f^cks saying spagetti that wont work as much *** 4 scrambled eggs its wat i eat before i got baseball.

  2. you can eat what ever you want as long as its 2 hours before the tournament. Oh and no matter what don't drink coke.

  3. lots of carbs and water and half a banana the patasium is great for you

  4. Spaghetti or any carb rich meals.  

  5. Carb-rich food to sustain quick-energy fuel such as bread, pasta

  6. today i have a soccer tournament  to. its still going on actually. well eat some apples and drink LOTS of water,unless your eating lunch,for lunch eat WHATEVER you want!! dont starve yourself

  7. AVOID anything too sugary, it will give you too much energy at once and once it runs out you'll be super tired. Drink lots of water over a long time period. For lunch have something simple but healthy. You'll want to eat something full of carbs, because it breaks down inside the small intestine, unlike Proteins and fats which break down in your stomach and are more likely to give you cramps. For a snack, try celery sticks with organic almond or peanut butter with raisins or cranberries.  For lunch? Yolk less eggs on rye bread, or spaghetti. Spaghetti (or most pasta) is a great pre-workout meal. Hope i can be of help, and good luck =)

  8. lots of carbs.  try some kind of pasta :D good luck!

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