
What should I eat before swim practice???

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My lunch is at about 11:41, when i get home, its about 3:00. Swim practice starts at 4:00 to 6:00. What and when should I eat in order to maxamize my energy for swim practice. Im also very tired when i come home from school, what are some ways to wake me up before jumping in the cold water?




  1. i am on the swim team and this is what i usually do:

    first i usually eat a veggie sub or a tuna sub from subway

    then i drink Gatorade and eat lots of fruits

    you should lots of things that are healthy so you wont cramp and always stretch before a meet

  2. something light so your tummy wont move around. then have dinner after.

  3. Pasta and meatballs

  4. maybe like 1/2 a power bar and some watered down Gatorade.  I usually cut myself off like 2hrs. before practice though because i get sick if i eat too close to practice, but it doesn't bother some people.

  5. Some yogurt and granola is good. Fruit is always a good choice. Don't eat a lot of meat. Don't drink too much water either. You will start to feel bloated. Anything light is good. For ways to wake you up, spritz your face with some cool or warm water (either one works). Good Luck! :)

  6. I'm a swimmer as well, but i swim from 5-8 everday.

    Anyways, I usually have something light like a granola

    bar or some form of fruit before practice, and then I eat

    dinner when I get home.

    It isn't heavy, so it won't make me go slow,

    and it is just enough to hold me over through practice.


  8. power bar

    peanut butter


    protien bars

    and then eat dinner after practice

  9. It is important to eat some carbs.  Try a bagel with peanut butter, or for a lighter snack, eat some almonds.

  10. you can take a 20 minute power nap or just lay down and read. Fruit digests faster than carbs so id eat that

  11. Gatorade. FRUIT. Healthy stuff basically. If I eat like chocolate before I dance or snowboard I die. So yea.

  12. I always have a banana about an hour or so before my practice. It gives me great energy, and keeps the cramps away. You'll notice a big difference.

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