
What should I eat for dinner out of these choices?

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Jacket potato, cheese and beans

Quorn mince pasta

Veggie nuggets, beans and chips

Quorn pastie, beans and potato lattices

Poached eggs on toast

Minestrone Soup

Mushroom pizza and potato lattices

Oh by the way I'm vegetarian if you hadn't noticed! And I'm really hungry and want everything!!




  1. Quorn pastie, beans and potato lattices

  2. Depends are you tring to stay heathy or slim or do you just want something good to eat.

  3. Id choose the Quorn pastie with beans and potato lattices oh thats making me hungry!lol!! :)

  4. Mushroom pizza and potato lattices

  5. Veggie nuggets, beans and chips or Minestrone Soup

  6. Haha! Your eyes are bigger than your stomach like mine! heh? ;D

    Yummmm this question made me hungry

    Try the jacket potato w/ cheese and beans.. hehe I should try that with vegan cheese :D hehe

    Have a fabulous dinner!

  7. hmmm i think the nuggets, beans and chips will fill you up the longest as they seem to have the highest protein?  quorn does too but i just don't like quorn much :P  the pizza sounds good too.

  8. Poached egg on toast and minestrone soup.

  9. i would go for mushroom pizza and potato latices.

    dont want to offend you by saying the obvious but have you checked the soup is veggie, sorry if you have.

    any way bon appetite.

  10. Since you're really hungry the Jacket Potato, cheese and beans. Lots of carbohydrates.

    Um, okie592, no you didn't say "chicken stripes".

  11. Minestrone soup w potato cheese ,beans sounds yummy.

  12. I think you should have veggie nuggets, beans, and veggies, but you can have whatever you want. It isn't my choice.

  13. Mushroom Pizza and potato latices :)

  14. Jack spud with some moon and bottom burp ;-)

    other words jacket potato cheese and beans :-)

  15. im a vegitarian too!! you should have jacket potatoes cheese and beans with minestrone soup(my favorite soup). pizz sounds yummy too.

  16. jacket potato beans and cheese yumm

    or jacket potoato sweetcorn and cheese, or quorn chicken stripes. mmmmm best conbo in the world

  17. Mushroom pizza and potato lattices :-)

  18. pizza every time!

    the other half suggests a jacket with vegetable curry

  19. How about the quorn pastie with beans and potato lattices (is that waffle-cut fries?) or quorn with a jacket potato and some veggies?

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