
What should I expect at high school volleyball tryouts?

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I'm trying out as a sophomore (i missed tryouts freshman year). I have some previous experience from middleschool, and I took a basics camp to refresh my skills. I still consider myself as a beginner, so what will happen at tryouts and what can I do to prepare for them? I can do an underhand serve pretty well, but its the overhand serve that i'm worried about. I'm 5'3" so i'm trying to jump higher by putting a piece of tape on my wall and trying to jump higher than it everyday. I am overweight, so I have started walking everyday, but I'm hoping to be able to jog without too much difficulty by the end of the summer. I'd like some advice, especially since tryouts are a month away. Also, what should I bring to tryouts? I can't wear spandex because it is most unflattering and I would feel uncomfortable at my size.





  1. it's good that you have been working on your own. It shows you are dedicated and want to improve. At try-outs they will probably have u begin warming up by peppering (pass-set-hit to partner), so it may be good to  find a partner that you are comfortable with before try-outs begin. As for your serve, if you are not comfortable with an over-hand serve, than stick to what you know. At try-outs TALK !!! call the ball, tell the others on the court where the ball is going, if you are taking it.. ect.. Also, stay positive! Give other girls high fives and keep everyone else pumped up. Coaches notice positive attitudes like this, and even if you are not the most skilled player, they still want you on the team. Bring water to try-outs and have your parent come in with you in the begining in case there is paper work to fill out. Wear a t-shirt (with sleeves; some coaches will only let players wear this) and shorts. Just be comfortable. Also, knee pads, socks and tennis shoes are good to have too. Be confident! and I hope all goes well for you.

  2. Sorry to break it to you...i go to a public high school. It's h**l. After the first week, expect to have a lot of pain. You oughta be really fit!! Run, jog, do daily excersises to prepare. I had no idea. We ran 3 miles out in the hot sun, and a mile in the gym. Drills nonstop. It was torture. Just keep your head up and look forward. As for my school. It's spandex all the way. just wear jym shorts and any t-shirt to tryouts. You can get through it.

  3. Im gonna be a sophomoire too trying out for jv or varsity. but all u can expect is alot of competition. when ur a sophomore and trying out for pretty much means ur set to play volleyball and thts wht u wanna do in highskewl. so expect alot of aggressivness. cuz any1 tht is there is really determined to make it :) but just do ur best. oH! Im 5'3" also.. im a main hitter(spiker). u just gotta have good form as u approach..and work on ur calf muscels by either doing leg lifts or things tht involve jumping. tht will help ur thigh muscels too. oh and about the spandex thing.l i weigh....well alot..and im serious... and well in high skewl u wear spandex so i toned my legs up and let me tell u..its so much easier playing in spandex...believe me..hope this helps:)

    Wht to wear:

    shorts tht arent to big...cuz then tht will slow u down. make sure they fit perfectly..its usually alot more comfortable to wear a bigger shirt so ur not worried about ur tummy showing when u spike or serve or whtever. wear fitting knee pads so ur not constantly pulling them up.. long sox under knee pads so when u dive u dotn get burned...and non slip shoes. it really helps. try and move ur bangs bakj if u wear them down. its just alot easier. and wear a sports bra so u r comfortable. hope it helps...and good luck!


  4. don't let the ball drop! dive if u must for every ball! good luck

  5. You sound like you have a good start on things.  Working out every day is great.  

    Buy a volleyball.  If you have someone that can toss the ball to you, that would be great.  Have them toss the ball so that you can practice your passing.  See if they can stand a distance away so that you can serve to them.  You need to touch a volleyball every day.  

    You also might try to work out in the pool.  Get about chest deep and then crouch down.  Jump as high as you can.  The water will act as resistance for your jump and will also cushion your landing.  Try to do 10, take 1 minute off, do 10 and so on until you reach 100 jumps.  You can swim laps.  The crawl swim stroke is very similar to spike and overhand serve swings.  It will strengthen your arms and is a very good workout at the same time.  

    Take comfortable shorts, t-shirts, shoes and kneepads to the tryouts.  And you might want 2 pairs of white socks to wear until your feet get used to the extra work.  Take extras just in case you want to change.

  6. im going to be a freshman next year and i do the exact same thing with the tape on the wall, but ive done it for two years now.

    what will make you help jump higher is jump roping. last year i could reach 8'6, but now i can reach 9'2.

    just for 15min each day can go a long way.

    to help prepare yourself for tryouts is practice every moment you get. i know you probably hear that alot, but it really will help you in the long run. to help your over hand serve, try going out to a park or sand court and practice there, or go to camps or personal training, it might be pricey but it will help.

    i remember my coach used to always tell me,

    "pretend the ball is your siblings head and smack it as hard as you can!"

    great coaches right?

    well they motivated us. they put our mistakes in a positive way, by telling us we learn from them, and try to do something different everytime untill you get it right.

    try and get a friend who plays volleyball to come out and help you. someone you trust and will be a motivator and not a hater.

    what to wear:

    if spandex arnt flattering then just use some soffe shorts. they work perfectly fine :) a t-shirt, knee-pads, socks and shoes. volleyball is a game not a fashion show, and if anyone EVER makes fun of you because of the way you look or  the way you play, try to block them out. its gonna be hard, and will take some time, but it will come.

    not every team is perfect. some teammate will probably be rude and blame everyone for their mistakes. just know that without the rest of the team they could never win.

    so practice and NEVER let go of your goal of making the team.

    if you practice your sure to get some great results.

    good luck, and try not to worry to much :)

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