
What should I expect at my first visit to the Gynecologist?

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- I'm 20

- I'm a virgin




  1. They will do two major parts:

    1) Breast exam to check for cancer and other problems. The doctor will look at them and then feel for lumps. S/he will probably have you lay on your back for this part and/or raise your arms.

    2) Vaginal exam. The doctor will look at your external genitalia to make sure that everything looks normal. You will lay on your back with your feet up in the stirrups and your legs spread. The doctor will then insert a speculum which is an instrument to hold your vaginal walls open. They do this so that they can take a swab and perform a pap smear which takes a sample of cervical cells to test for cancer or abnormal cells. Then the doctor will remove the speculum and feel inside with one hand, and the other on your abdomen to make sure that the position and condition of your ovaries are normal.

    That's pretty much it. It can be uncomfortable, but it goes best for everyone if you relax. If you tense up, it'll be worse...Oh, and it's pretty fast, so don't worry...Good luck!

  2. Hi L & L ,

    In the beginning of the pelvic exam, the doctor will examine the external parts of the v****a, checking for any abnormalities in the skin. He should then inform you when he is ready to perform the internal exam. A speculum — a plastic or metal tube-shaped instrument that opens slightly once inserted — is gently inserted into the v****a. The doctor will inform you before he opens the speculum to better visualize your cervix. As the speculum opens, you will feel a light pressure in your pelvis. Occasionally, if the pelvic muscles are clenched too tight, you might experience pain. If this occurs, inform the doctor. He will probably use a smaller speculum and ask you to take deep, slow breaths and relax your pelvic muscles.

    The speculum is locked to keep your vaginal walls open. At this time the cervix will be inspected to check for any abnormalities. The healthy cervix is pink in color and often resembles a small donut. A small brush or spatula is used to collect cells from the outer and inner portions of the cervix. During this time you may experience slight discomfort. These cells are collected in a vial and sent to the laboratory for a Pap smear (Papanicolau smear).

    In the lab, the cells are examined for a HPV (human papillomavirus), a sexually transmitted disease and an indication of possible cancerous or pre-cancerous cells. Various types of HPV have been shown to be responsible for pre-cancerous or cancerous changes in the cervix.

    After the speculum is removed, the doctor will perform a "bi-manual" exam. The doctor will insert two gloved fingers into the v****a and will then apply light pressure on your abdomen with the other hand. This exam is done to determine the size, shape and position of the uterus and to examine the ovaries. A rectal exam may be performed to check for any rectal abnormalities and to examine the back of the uterus and ovaries.

    Don't be scared and good luck.

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