
What should I expect at the Harman Agency modeling "open call"?

by Guest56590  |  earlier

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I'm 15 years old, about 5 foot 6 and weigh 110 pounds. I have a picture to take in with me. Do I need a portfolio or resume. And What should I expect when I go in for this open call. Also, about how long should the call take, and how long would it take for them to give me a "call back?" Any answers to my questions would be great.

... and if I need a portfolio or resume, What should I put in it or really how do I start? This would be my first open call, so I guess I can't expect anything. But help would be great.




  1. I checked their website and they seem to do everything - fashion modeling, commercial modeling, acting,etc.

    If you're only interested in modeling, just bring your picture. To be honest, you're too short for fashion modeling, so they may only put you in the commercial section. If you were interested in acting, then yes would need a headshot/resume.

    It looks like they do these often, so just go and check it out. If you are declined (which may be something more along the lines of get into some classes and get some experience and come back in a year), ask them for advice for what to do before you attend another open call.

    Open calls can take a long time, it depends on how many people show up. Get there early or you may not be seen at all.

    There generally aren't "call backs", but you would be asked back for an interview. Open calls are basically like screenings. They don't want to take the time to interview you and have you do a monologue, etc if you don't have any experience to back it up. Modelling is a little different, again since it's look based (fashion, not commercial). But you would still need to get a comp card, which if they're interested in you, I'm sure they will ask you to do. YOu can't be submitted for projects without a comp card for models or a h/r for actors.

    Anyway, just go and have fun. You're right to not go in with any expectations, just check it out and get some information and hey, you never know. If you're not in a big market, there's less competition and the greater liklihood of signing  people with less experience.

    Good luck!

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