
What should I expect from antidepressants?

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So I feel extremely depressed lately ive been having a lot of breakdowns especially last night and I feel like ****. Ive also been thinking about suicide quite a bit so my mom is trying to get me an anti-depressant to help with anxiety and depression. I guess im looking for someone who has experienced this and is on medication... how long does it take for it to work? and how will things change for me? does this vary greatly on the type? Ive been pushing to get a cannabis card to help with that would you recommend that over some anti-depressant? Im a 16 year old guy btw...




  1. you'd never get a pot card

    pot's a depressant .. even if you do claim

    to feel better from it

    antidepressants, in my case anyways, have helped me

    out a lot .. im able to enjoy life now

    obviously, i still have my bad/suicidal ideation days, but

    thats probally because my dose isnt high enough

    i think you should give it a try, but bear in mind that

    srri antidepressants may cause intense suicidal ideation

    which happened to me wen i tried the adhd med. strattera

    so make sure you find a therapist that you can form a close

    bond with, just in case you do find urself feeling worse from

    the meds

    other adverse effects like withdrawl sydrome can occur from

    missing jus one dose .. its pure h**l espeically wen ur on a high

    dose, so yeah .. you could have a bad reaction to ssri's or they

    could end up saving ur life .. they effect everyone differently

    and you'll never kno until you try them out

  2. They are stupid. They made me more suicidal than ever.

  3. Cannabis makes the condition worse. Anti depressants work wonders and will make you feel much better. Please be strong and listen to your mom. She has years more experience than you. I wish I had listened to my mom more growing up. She is seldom wrong about anything.

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