
What should I expect in a child development class?

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I am going to be taking a child development program to get certified to work at private daycares or as a private school preschool teacher. What should I expect in the classes? Is there alot of test ,is it fairly easy? What does the work consist of, is it mostly book work or hands on?




  1. You should brows on the internet about the child development skill or buy some book related to pre-school education, Kurikulum pra-sekolah, and so on.

  2. a lot of kid talk, and useless stuff. Aight peace my african sista

  3. If you have worked with children before, it is simple. You must apply yourself.

  4. If you have experience working with children a lot of it will be a review for you.  As for tests, it really depends on the teacher.  I've taken a number of courses in early childhood education and they ranged from very very easy to difficult depending on what the professor tests.  I've had one class where there were no tests, only a few essays which we were allowed to rewrite until we got a grade that we were happy with.

  5. Hi,

    There its great. you will love it. you need to be dedicated to your assignments tho otherwise you dont keep up. Basically you will do a practicall experience in  a school or nursery some days and college the other days. when we was in college we used to practice making activities, displays etc. We even played in sand and water.

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