
What should I expect in high school sophomore year?

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So, I'm going into my Sophomore year of high school and I was wondering how much different it was from Freshman year. Is it a lot harder? What classes did you take and how hard were they? What's different about Sophomore year?




  1. I found it easier than freshman year and- not only work but the fact that your not at the bottom of the food chain anymore . I took Geometry (not so bad), English 10 (which was easy except for grammer), Biology (You learn ALOT but its a good class), French 3 (easy), World History (it was okay, not SO bad). What I like about Sophomore year was that the teachers were more cool and careless than Freshman year.  

  2.       the idea is to use the year before to make the next for what your taught and you will make it.any thing while your learning seams hard.but when you get to hear your self say that wasnt so tough.get all you can of what your taught while you are in is the place to  you get into the world you will have a head start.good luck.

  3. you'll know the school more, feel like you're actually part of the school now, the classes arent really that hard, in my opinion. You and your friends will seem tighter (i dont have any)

  4. well i'll tell ya , there's a lot i mean a ton of llamas!!! there EVERYWHERE!!! you better like llamas!?!?!?

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