
What should I expect in my freshman year of highschool?

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I go to an inner-city private school, my class is under 100 people, and I'm smart but easily stressed. I'm pretty popular but quite a few of my friends are leaving. What are some freshman year survival tips?




  1. stay cool and calm, dont try to be friends with the big kids yet, and just lie low;...

  2.   1.)Don't Tell any and everyone your business! girl's are catty they will act like your friend one minute then the next they are trying to ruin your life!

      2.)Try not to be a witch, it will hunt you later but don't be too friendly to the point people are stepping over you!

       3.)Make sure you don't have too much fun where you forget to focus on the goal that "Diploma" .

       4.) Suck up to all your teacher's anytime you need a favor they will help you out if your in a jam.

       5.) Try not to pick any fight's it doesn't look good on your college application, especially if you want to get in a ivy league school.


    Don't try to grow up too fast before you know it 4yrs go by really fast, then your off to college.

  3. dont worry about it. just try your best to avoid drama. theres nothing to be nervous about. its not that bad.  

  4. Most important thing is to be friendly! You can make friends easily frosh year. Lots of people are looking for new friends. Its a great chance to enlarge your social circle! Be confident and be friendly. Really important.

    Number 2: Don't lose yourself. Its really easy. Don't let it happen, because these are just four years of your life that won't matter much once you leave highschool. These years can be a blast, but don't give yourself up! Good luck :]

  5. I don't know what to expect either. I am barely going to enter freshmen in two weeks. I would lay low and than rise a the year progresses. I would hang around with people who like to play videogames.

  6. um you should expect boys lots of them like wanna go out with you,just tell them you just wanna be friends that all trust me unless you want 4 kids and living on paycheck to paycheck

  7. Lay low for a little bit, and then slowly take it back. Don't worry High School is fun.  

  8. be works all the time.

  9. well im a freshman to but i give u wat i heard. first off never show fear to a senior or they will stomp u into the ground uniform and all. second always roll in a pack around big people there is stregth in numbers. third (for a.d.d only) by all means act crazy and scare some people out they shorts. finally if all else fails slink around or beat down the tuffest (girl in your case) and command respect.

  10. if you go to a private school you have nothing to worry about except for "clicks" i go to a catholic school and they say we strive for exceptience and togetherness and that is BS  

  11. just be cool and go with the flow, everyone else is thinking the same thing, besides, if ur class is under 100 ppl, by the end of the month u'll kno everyone!

  12. its really fun:D

    you'll really like it.

    i actually go to a public high school

    which has over 3500 students

    but its still really fun.

    all the older kids wont really care

    much just dont be obnoxious:D

    homework and work is really no problem

    you'll make new  friends REALLY fast..

    i had no friends in most of my classes but

    within 2 days i made many many new ones

    so dont worry

    its fun:]

  13. get to know everybody and

    and relax

    you already know your cool and smart

  14. well ur kinda lucky in the class # factor cuz i had over 700 in my freshman class 2 years ago but u just gotta play it kool get some good friends and stick with them cuz freshman year is always a lil hard and diff but it just takes some gettin use to but yea the freshman is the new year sophomore year is the longest year junior year is the hardest year (class wise) and senior year i the fun year so yea good luck

  15. ugh don't slack off. always try to be positive. just be nice to everyone  even if you are popular because you'll never survive if you think your better than everyone. finally, don't be a smartass to the upperclassmen, i  did that my freshman year and they made school h**l for me

  16. I had a lot of fun. I would just try not to be obnoxious and think you are cool since now you're older, or else the older kids in the school will hate you.

  17. There really isn't anything you can do...

    Just be yourself...

    I went to a different high school than all

    of my middle school friends...

    about 2 percent of my middle school friends

    went to my high school and it wasn't bad at all..

    It's just an opportunity to meet new people!

    Just be yourself... don't try to be something you're

    not... That's all...

  18. have fun...easiest years of your life

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